

Can you grow food in your body?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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14y ago

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no because food\plants cannot grow ithout sunlight or water

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Q: Can you grow food in your body?
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What kinds of food help you grow?

Heathly food help you grow and gives your body

Is liver a glow food or grow food?

it is a grow food because it is a body building food.

Sample of grow food?

grow food are nuitients taken from meat,fish,poultry and egg. they repair damaged tissues in our body.

How does food result in groth of humans?

Food is what gives the body the essential nutrients it needs. The food itself does not make you grow, the nutrients are what is used by the body to power its growth.

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How mold gets on food?

Mold get their foods from where they grow. They just live on another living body and take food and reproduce.

How does each food group impact on the body?

food groups help the body by giving it a healthy diet so that the body would stay fit and stay in shape.

Does all the food that you eat come out of your body when you 'pass motion'?

No, if that were true you wouldn't grow. The bulk of it "passes", but a lot is used by the body.

Is there such a mushroom that if inhaled it will grow inside a person's body?

Yes the inhaled mushroom will grow in your body/ it is not named. you have nothing to worry about its like a piece of food growing in your stomach.the chemicals inside it goes into your lungs and follows a piece of food in your stomach

What food group best helps repair youre body and help it grow?

A healthy composition of them all.

Does money grow on food?

No, money does not grow on food.

What are the uses of food?

Food help to repair wear tear of the body . It gives us energy to grow well. It help to improve our resistance to diseases.