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Q: Can you grow saffron in a greenhouse?
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Can you grow saffron inside?

I suppose you could. Saffron comes from a certain flower, the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus), and the little hairs (stigma) in the middle of the flower are saffron threads.

Why the name greenhouse?

Almost everything you grow in a greenhouse is 'green'.

How do you make money in Afghanistan?

Grow saffron plants.

How long does it take for small sunflowers to grow in a greenhouse?

Sunflowers may not grow in a greenhouse because it requires constant sunlight and hence it may not grow

Do a inside plant grow better inside or outside?

Plants grow better in a greenhouse. My grandma owns one and they grow much better in a greenhouse.

What is the best climate to grow saffron?

high up in the mountains

Do plants grow better in greenhouse or out of it?

] ==

How do you use a greenhouse?

you simply use a greenhouse by putting plants in there and water them and then you simpley watch them grow

What happens in a greenhouse?

In a greenhouse the gases in a greenhouse collect the sunlight and trap the heat. This provides sunlight and a warm temperature for plants to be able to grow.

How long does saffron take to grow?

101334 milichings a miliching is 4.4 seconds

Why do you think greenhouse gases get that nickname?

Because they have the same effect as a greenhouse. They trap heat inside them, just like a greenhouse does to help the plants grow.

How is cabron dixiode related to the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide helps the greenhouse in one way. Plants in the greenhouse needs carbon dioxide to grow.