

Can you handle an adult bearded dragon?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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yes attchly, my mother lives with 1 and i took it in for her, its kinds mean but its easy to take care of.

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Q: Can you handle an adult bearded dragon?
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yeah its a normal bearded dragon it just means its like a teenager not a baby not a adult x

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bearded dragons are born the same color they will be as an adult

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An adult Bearded dragon weighs approximately 500 grams.

What is a suitable bearded dragon vivarium?

A glass vivarium measuring around 4 feet in length is suitable for an adult bearded dragon. Juveniles require less space.

Can bearded dragons eat spinach?

Yes, you can, and they should love it. I have a bearded dragon, and I feed it to him every morning. Make sure to cut it up into little pieces if you have a baby. If you have an adult, he can handle it by himself.

Why does your bearded dragon hide from you?

bearded dragons hide from you if you do not handle them alot if you want it to stop hiding try taming it by hand feeding it and holding it more often

How big of habitat do you have to have for a bearded dragon to live happily in your home?

An adult bearded dragon should live in at least a 30gallon breeder tank because there needs to be a hot end and a cool end, and the deep ones works best. I have my bearded dragon in a 55gallon tank and it's narrow but still works.

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a bearded dragon

Why is your adult bearded dragon foaming at the mouth?

That is NOT 'normal' behaviour - seek professional advice from a vet NOW !

How big does a bearded dragon need to be to eat a pinky?

If the bearded dragon is an adult it should probably eat large pinkies.But if it is a young bearded dragon it should probably eat small or medium pinkies...Im 13 years old and my science teacher has 2 bearded dragon and i dont know alot about them but they can eat pinkies that are at least as big as his or her head...

What is the lowest bearded dragon can get?

The lowest a bearded dragon can cost in total would be 170+(crickets,sand,lighting,tank,bearded dragon,power bill of lighting.)as if its a baby , they eat WAYY more so a baby is 300$+ and an adult would be 170$+.Hope this helps!