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Q: Can you have 8 hours 30 minutes of sleep and still do a lot?
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How many minutes are there in 7 quarter hours?

7 quarter hours either means 7 hours 15 minutes = 435 mins (7 hours = 28 lots of 15 minutes) (15 minutes = 1 lot of 15 minutes) (Total = 29 lots of 15 minutes) (29 x 15 = 435) or 7 lots of 15 minutes = 105 minutes (7 x 15 = 105) Pretty sure its the first one though.

How many hours in gigabite?

It depends a lot, hours of what, and at what quality. For a typical MP3 file (music or other sounds), I estimate 1 MB per minute, so 1 GB would give you a thousand minutes (about 17 hours). However, the space used by sound files, per minute, can vary a lot; I have seen MP3 files that used about 0.2 MB/minute, and whose quality was still quite acceptable. On the other hand, higher qualities (higher than 1 MB/minute) are possible as well.

How many minutes are in 167 days 6 hours 4 minutes?

This is simple enough, so long as you know how many units there are in other units. So, let's take this from the easy end first. There are four minutes in four minutes. (Yes, that's both obvious and redundant, but it doesn't hurt to be clear and thorough.) Next, there are sixty minutes in one hour. So, in six hours, that's 6x60=360 minutes. Finally, there are twenty-four hours in a day. To find out how many minutes are in a day, that's 24x60, which is 1440 minutes. In this case, we then multiply that by 167 to get 240,480 minutes. Now, to finally get around to answering the question, add our three answers together. 240,480+360+4=240,844 minutes. (Does that seem like a lot of minutes, or not very many to you?)

How many minutes for 3 year?

There are 1,576,800 MINUTES in 3 whole years!! Dang!! Thats a lot :O

How many hours person can make at work each year?

A lot

Related questions

Does elephants sleep a lot?

No, their average sleeping hours is 3-4 hours of sleep per day.

Why do you feel tired if you sleep long hours?

You could possibly still be tired. Maybe you didn't sleep a lot the last night or didn't sleep deeply enough. It could be medications or vitamin deficiencies. Also, some people need to sleep more hours than others.

Do big cats sleep a lot?

It depends. Some big cats sleep a lot and other types don't. Animals usually need ten hours of sleep. Hamsters need up to 13 hours of sleep.

How many minutes from tacoma to Disney World Florida?

Tacoma, WA? About 45 hours by car. So in minutes, 45x60, otherwise known as "a lot". And that's just driving time; if you factor in restroom, food, and sleep breaks, "a lot more".

Which animals often sleep about 18 to 20 hours a day?

That would be a sloth. They feed for only a few hours a day and their specific make up is such( they expend so little energy) that they usually leave the treetops once a week to defecate. Wrong , the correct answer is the Koala. Usually between 18 to 22 hours. They sleep a lot to conserve energy as their diet requires a lot of energy to digest.

How much sleep should a 16 year old get?

a lot of sleep like 10 hours

Why does your hermit crab not sleep?

Hermit crabs are nocturnal and dont require a lot of sleep only a couple hours.

How many hr min did World War 2 last?

a lot of hours and a lot of minutes

You sleep 8 hours a night but still feel tired in the morning?

Snoring is one cause. Sleep apnea is another. Depression is another. Some people with mentally or physically stressful work need more than 8 hours. Being pregnant. Many other things.

When do parakeets sleep?

No, not a LOT. Mine tend to sleep 12 hours at night and take about 2-4 short naps of 5-10 minutes during the day.

What can cause lack of sleep?

There's a lot of causes of lack of sleep: 24 hours of no sleep at all - mood swings 36 hours of no sleep at all - starts to get stressing to drive 48 hours of no sleep at all - more stress, paranoia, and auditory hallucinations 60 hours of no sleep at all - seizures or even epilepsy 72 hours of no sleep at all - visual hallucinations 96 hours of no sleep at all - both visual and auditory hallucinations 120 hours of no sleep at all - more visual and auditory hallucinations, with hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations 144 hours of no sleep at all - severe symptoms or even possible heart disease 168 hours of no sleep at all - hormone damage 192 hours of no sleep at all - breathing problems due to heart disease 216 hours of no sleep at all - body starts to get normal cancer 240 hours of no sleep at all - cancer starts to get not normal 264 hours of no sleep at all - your body starts to actually get severely damaged 288 hours of no sleep at all - possible leading to a coma and death

I get headaches a lot and am constantly tired even though I get enough sleep Can you help?

I am 16 years old and get roughly 9 hours of sleep each night, but I still get headaches a lot and always feel tires. I have a awesome life at the moment and am happy. My BMI is average and I dont really have that much going on at school or work.