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It depends. Each state has their own policies for expunging convictions. If your assault conviction is related to family violence, it may be much harder to expunge than it would be if it were a regular assault conviction.

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Q: Can you have a Assault on a female conviction expunged?
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If you qualify for it, you can petition to have the conviction expunged.

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It can be expunged, but getting it expunged doesn't make it go away - it just limits who can see it.

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If it's a felony conviction, no.

If you have complete probation does the conviction stay on your record?

Yes, unless you have the conviction expunged; however, the arrest record remains forever.

Can you have a manslaughter charge expunged?

Follow up after your conviction and time served. It depends.

How long will assault by contact stay on my record?

i believe it's 7 years, after that you may have to hire a lawyer to remove it. Forever, if there is a conviction. Different states have different methods to get your record expunged. If the assault is domestic related you cannot get it expunged in most states. Your arrest remains on police only records for ever.

Is there a statute of limitation on a conviction?

Your record will reflect the conviction for life or until expunged. Once you have been convicted, no statute of limatiations applies.

How long does a misdemeanor assault stay on record in Ohio?

In Ohio, assault is a first-degree misdemeanor. Conviction on these charges result in not more than 180-days. A court that sentences an offender to a jail term under this section may permit the offender to serve the sentence in intermittent confinement or may authorize a limited release of the offender.

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Have your record expunged or the conviction overturned.

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Your only option would be to contact the court in which you were convicted in, and try to have your conviction expunged. If or until the conviction is expunged, no medical center can legally hire you (as a nurse).

Is there a statute of limitation on a conviction of probation violation?

Once you have been convicted, no statute of limatiations applies. Your record will reflect the conviction for life or until expunged.