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Yes, you can. You don't have to have a car insurance in order to have a driver's license.

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Q: Can you have a drivers license without car insurance?
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Can you purchase car insurance without a drivers license?

no it is illegal

Can you buy a car without a drivers license and insurance?

Yes, but you can not drive it.

Can you have insurance on your car without having a drivers license?

Yes, you just can't drive the car.

Can you get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended?

You can't get car insurance if your drivers license has been suspended.

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Have Drivers license but no car do you need car insurance?

no not if you have no car

Can you get car insurance on your car without a drivers license?

Yes, insurance is designed to protect the car as well as a driver. If you are not driving it at all, then the insurance premium should be lower.

How do you get car insurance on the drivers license only?

How do you get car insurance on the driver only

In the state of Pennsylvania can you buy a new car get car registeration ani purchase car insurance without a driver's license?

In the state of Pennsylvania can you purchase a car with out a drivers license.

Do you need a drivers license to get car insurance?

No, Not necessarily, There are many insurance companies that will issue auto insurance coverage to you without a drivers license. It just depends on the underwriting requirements of the insurance company. Most of the larger national companies will require a drivers license first but many local and regional insurers will have no problem with it.

What is provisional license insurance?

Provisional license insurance is a cheap car insurance that is mostly for young drivers. These are especially made for student drivers as well.

Do you need insurance if you have a drivers license but do not drive or own a car?

No, the insurance is on the car, not the person.