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No, Neon Tetras and Goldfish do not belong in the same tank. Goldfish prefer cold water, while Tetras are more of a tropical fish.

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Q: Can you have a fish tank with 18 neon tetras and 2 large goldfish?
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How many Neon Tetras with a Betta in 4 gallon Aquarium?

You should only have 1 fish per gallon of water in a fish tank. I wouldn't put more than 2 or 3 Neon Tetras in a 4 gallon aquarium with 1 Betta.

What kind of food do neon fish eat?

Assuming that you are referring to neon tetras, there are several brands of commercial "Tetra Flakes" that can be bought at nearly every pet store. I believe that there is also a pellet version of "Tetra Flakes".

Will 3 guppies and 3 neon tetras do well in a 10 gallon tank or do you need more tetras?

That is fine. You might consider getting some corydoras catfish.

How many fish can you put in a 35 liter tank?

Not very many. As a very rough estimate of what you can fit, you can have a total of 10 cubic inches of fish. Of course, you don't want to get a fish that will grow very long. Any fish you get should be 3 inches (about 7 cm) long or shorter. Here are some tropical freshwater fish you might be interested in: * Small tetras (neon tetra, cardinal tetra, ember tetra, x-ray tetra, lemon tetra) * Guppies * Mollies * Zebra danios (tend to be fin-nippers, so don't put them with long-finned fish) * ONE betta (siamese fighting fish) * Gourami (should only keep one in a tank, but they can be put with other kinds of fish) * Invertebrates such as shrimp and snails * African dwarf frogs (up to 2) Most of these fish like to be kept in schools of 6 or more, so at most you could keep 2 different species comfortably in that size aquarium.I have the same size tank. I keep zebra danios and neon tetras, and some ramshorn snails, and they all get along pretty well.

What freshwater fish don't eat plants?

Many kinds, I have Cory Cats, Neon Tetras, Dwarf Gouramis and Bettas all in heavily planted aquariums. Most of the smaller fish are safer. Larger fish may not eat them but many times will uproot them or damage them while swimming. Your best bet is go to a pet store and find names of fish you like and write them down then find out about each kind on if they are the right size for your tank, what they eat, and if they will get along.

Related questions

What fish do well in a 36 gallon tank?

You could have a school of neon tetras (approx 6), or 1 fancy goldfish

What fish can you keep with angelfish and neon tetra?

angel fish can eat neon tetras is the simple answer, but i have angel fish and neon tetras in the same tank and the angel fish does not bother the neons, although this may be because the angel fish is not full grown yet so it is a 50% chance

What fish can live with angelfish?

Community fish. In other words, fish that get along with others and are not agressive. If you go to the Pet Store and ask they will surely help you out.

Which saltywater fish is good as a pet?

NEON TETRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will needle fish work well with Neon Tetras?

needle fish will certainly not work well with neon's, they will murder the neon's

Best pet fish for small fish tanks?

In my opinion neon's and / or tetras.

What is the official name of those neon fish... picture included?

The official name for them are Neon Tetras.

What are some Freshwater pet Fish?

goldfish,neon tetras(school group only),sword tails,angelfish,pond smelt,carp,crucian carp,mainly small fish or even fish that arent in sea water

Math problem for ratio?

In a 40-gallon aquarium, there are 21 neon tetras and 7 zebra danio fish. Write the ratio of neon tetras to zebra danio fish in simplest form.

What type of fish can you keep in a 31X18X24cm aquarium with a filter?

That is not a very large aquarium, so a shoal of neon tetras would work well

Can you keep Betta fish with Neon Tetra fish?

You can put at least 5 neon tetras with Betta's because neon tetras need to be in a school. If you only put 1-3 neon tetras, then they will probably be eaten by the Betta because you won't have enough neon tetras to be in a school. The purpose for a school is to protect themselves from predators with a group and if you only have 1-3 neon tetras, then they will hide and get really stressed out. So, get at least 5 neon tetras and another important thing is, get a big enough tank for your Betta and neon tetra. That is, because, as you know, Betta fish are territorial and need their own territory and if the neon tetras enter their territory (if the tank is small), then the Betta will probably attack (that is only if you don't have enough neon tetras and not a big enough tank). So, it is important to get at least a 10- 15 gallon tank and get at least 5 neon tetras for 1 Betta fish. 1-3 neon tetras won't work. They will not be in a school and will be stressed out and hide from the Betta. A thing about neon tetras that is interesting and is cool is that, neon tetras bury their eggs in the gravel (Make sure to only have gravel!) if their eggs are not going to hatch. Also eat them.~Thank you, and good luck!~

Is a neon tetra a schooling fish?

Yes, tetras van live in schools normally with 3 to 5 other tetras