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Q: Can you have a heart attack from caffeine?
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Which two body functions does caffeine have a negative effect?

Caffeine can increase heart rate and blood pressure. An overdose can cause a heart attack.

What does to much caffeine do to the heart?

Too much caffeine may cause you to have what is refered to as "premature atrial contractions" this refers to the heart is having an occsional extra beat. A "heart attack" from too much caffeine is very slim

How does caffeine effect your health?

caffeine is actually a drug. if you have too much, you could get addicted. once you get addicted and drink/eat too much of it, you get very hyper. therefore, you could have a heart attack, spasm or heart/kidney problems.

Why energy drinks are very harmful for people?

They have a lot of caffeine and sugar, so you get a heart attack if you drink too much.

Can you take excedrin during a heart attack?

I am wondering this also, I am not a physician so I wouldn't know what to recommend. Taking 2 excedrin is like taking: 1 500mg Aspirin 1 500mg Tylenol & 1 cup of coffee (caffeine) I know the Aspirin will help, I don't think the Tylenol will hurt, and it comes down to the caffeine. Would you caffeine help or hurt a heart attack? I know caffeine will cause the heart to beat faster. I guess a physician can let us know his opinion on the matter.

Can drinking 5 hour energy shots cause a miscarriage?

No but the caffeine is not good for you or the fetus. You can actually induce a heart attack for yourself.

People with what medical conditions can have bad reactions to caffeine?

Peptic ulcer; heart arrhythmias or palpitations; heart disease or recent heart attack; high blood pressure; liver disease; insomnia; anxiety or panic attacks; agoraphobia; premenstrual syndrome.

How does caffeine affect a persons heart rate and blood pressure?

Caffeine will raise a person's heart rate and blood pressure unless that person has a tolerance for the specific amount of caffeine taken in.

What does Pepsi do for an asthma attack?

The caffeine in the pepsi helps.

Can you have a heart attack after having an asthma attack?

YES you can have a heart attack at anytime for any reason. You can have a heart attack for no reason at all.

What are the effects of caffeine on the body?

It depends on how much caffeine you have. Caffeine increases the speed of your heart rate and it can cause heart problems. As you probably know, most adults drink Coffee when they are tired. Coffee contains caffeine. By drinking coffee (consuming caffeine) it increases your heart rate and speeds up your body, giving you a burst of energy. Hope this helped ;)

Caffeine interferes with what specific drugs that regulate heart rhythm?

Caffeine interferes with drugs that regulate heart rhythm, such as quinidine and propranolol (Inderal).