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Seizures can come in many forms for many reasons, not every seizure has shaking involved in its presentation. Femoral seizures present no shaking but a lack of lucidity and confusion. Numbness can be anything from pressure on a nerve to a stroke or heart attack. Many things can trigger seizures and various types, if this is a concern you should talk to your doctor about any numbness or events you have had, these are signs that something needs to be looked at by a medical professional.

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Q: Can you have a seizure and not shake but have numbness?
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You were walking out of the room you blacked out fell on the floor and started to shake what caused that?

That could be seizure.

What is the medical term meaning seizure with numbness or drowsiness?

Numbness is anaesthesia/anesthesia. Tingling is paraesthesia/paresthesia. (Spelling dependant on whether you are from the UK or America)

Does your arm really shake when you hit your funny bone?

IT causes a unpleasant pain in the warm and it also causes some numbness in the arm, that's the reason people are shaking their arms. To remove the numbness.

How can it be known that someone is having an epileptic seizure?

If someone is having a seizure, they will often experience involuntary movement for 60-90 seconds. The person's body may shake rapidly and uncontrollably. There are many types of seizures.

What systems do a seizure effect?

Seizures only directly affect the brain. However, as the brain controls a lot of things in your body, then a seizure can indirectly affect them. When it affects the nervous system, the person may shake or fall for example.

What is it called when your body starts to shake on the floor?

It is most likely a seizure, which is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. Seizures can vary in intensity and duration, and can be caused by various medical conditions. If someone is experiencing a seizure, it is important to stay calm, keep them safe, and seek medical help if necessary.

Why does my husband's whole body shake when he's drunk and high?

He's probably having a seizure. Go to the Emergency room as fast as possible; seriously, he might die.

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seizure? essential tremor?

What can cause arms and hands to jerk and shake also lose dexterity in hands for seconds at a time causing me to drop things. Also a lot of numbness in hands?

it's because of lyme disease

Do you have epilepsy if your left leg keeps shaking uncontrolably?

Not being able to control your body like that getting a "shake" could be an epileptic seizure indeed, but it could also be much more ;-)

How can you tell that you had a seizure?

well, i have had two complex partial seizures in my whole life. when you have a partial seizure, you see an aura, or light that blocks your vision, and you sometimes become unconcious. i have not had a seizure for a very long time. if you have a grand mall seizure, you smell an intense smell or see something. your vision can become blurry. then, you usually become unconcious and start to become stiff or jerk your body. many people have seizures every day. and many people don't. seizures are symptoms of epilepsy.

What happens during a seizure?

It depends on the type that it is. An absent seizure is often when someone loosed contact with reality, they will stare off at nothing without blinking, they will be unresponsive to any sound or touch. They will often ask if someone can repeat what they said. Sometimes they will stop breathing. And another type of seizure is when you begin to stare, then your body will lock up, you will be unable to breath correctly or at all, you will begin to shake and sometimes this makes the person sick.