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Yes, my brother and I both had Asthma while we were growing up. Neither one of us wheezed, even during attacks, so doctors kept saying that we did not have it. Finally, as teens our mom took us to a respiratory specialist at the university near where we lived. We were both diagnosed with asthma. He said that most doctors misdiagnose people that do not wheeze, but their asthma can actually be worse than those that do. We started getting treated, and it made life a lot better. If you think you might have it, and you keep getting told you don't, find a good specialist.

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Q: Can you have asthma but not wheeze?
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Can you use the word wheeze in a sentence?

In the old days wheeze was used as slang for having fun or enjoying a joke. But when I wheeze I have to take asthma medication.

How does asthma effect sports peformance?

you start to wheeze and you cough. it can be dangerous if you push it

Why does your cat wheeze?

If you're cat is wheezing it means that it has asthma... or haas a cold

Why do you wheeze when you laugh?

It may be that you have asthma You have a cold/flu you smoke Or you may just have a wheezy.laugh

What does it mean when someone does a 'wheeze'?

A wheeze is a symptom of many serious lung diseases as it is the result of the airways narrowing. There are many causes of wheezing such as Asthma, Bronchitis and lung cancer.

What makes a horse wheeze when he runs?

it might be having an asthma attack. you might wanna get that checked out.

What is a wheeze and what it is a symptom of?

Wheeze: A whistling sound made by the flow of high-velocity air through narrowed airways. Wheezing is a symptom of several respiratory diseases including byssinosis and asthma.

What are Asthma patients suffering from?

Asthma patients suffer from lack of air into the lungs. Persons suffering with asthma often have shortness of breath, will wheeze and have tightness in their chest. They would often carry a puffer to relieve symptoms and help them breathe better.

What happens when you suffer from asthma?

you may cough or wheeze, be short of breath. go see a doctor for a checkup or go to the emergency room.

Can you list some books about asthma?

The Asthma Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know by Francis V. Adams, MD Asthma (Just the Facts) All About Asthma and How to Live With It Ask the Doctor: Asthma The Asthma Self-Care Book : How to Take Control of Your Asthma Asthma & Allergies My House Is Killing Me! The Home Guide for Families With Allergies and Asthma Why Do I Wheeze? Children and Asthma: The Child With Asthma Childhood Asthma: What It Is and What You Can Do Control Your Child's Asthma: A Breakthrough Program for the Treatment and Management of Childhood Asthma The Parent's Guide to Allergies and Asthma American Academy of Pediatrics Guide to Your Child's Allergies and Asthma What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Children's Allergies and Asthma: Simple Steps to Help Stop Attacks and Improve Your Child's Health