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Yes is can be common. Glad you are off Birth Control pills because they aren't good for you and should only be used on a short-term basis. Birth control pills are are hormones and thus when you stop the birth control pill your body is trying to balance itself. You may experience nausea, missed periods, heaving bleeding in some cases. It's very important that you work with your doctor on this until the birth control is right out of your system (which can take a year or more.)

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Q: Can you have bad cramping when you stop taking birth control?
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You should continue taking the birth control pill daily as scheduled regardless of bleeding.

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Yes. You can get pregnant WHILE you are on birth control.

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A lot of women stop taking birth control without informing their Doctor. However when you do see your Doctor again its advisable you tell him/her that you're no longer taking birth control to your medical record can be updated accurately.

Is it normal to have severe cramping and irregular bleeding after you stop birth control?

ya you should go see someone as in a doctor

If you stop taking your birth control pill then start bleeding can you still get pregnant?

The bleeding is the withdrawal bleed and is normal. This occurs when you stop taking birth control for over a few days. You can become pregnant.

Does birth control pill help after conceiving?

If you're pregnant, you should stop taking the birth control pill, as it is of no use.

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Birth control pills should stop your menstrual bleeding. I would suggest you stop the pills and talk to your doctor

How soon do you get your period if you stop taking birth control?

Most women will have their period within a week or two of stopping birth control pills, and may be fertile from the first day they stop taking it. If you have stopped taking birth control and have not had your regular period as expected, you need a pregnancy test to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.

If you stop taking birth control and you start again can you not get pregnant?

It may take a few months to be able to conceive again, although some get pregnant very shortly after stopping birth control use. The number of times you stop/start taking birth control does not matter.