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Q: Can you have fibroids without a uterus or ovaries?
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What can a gyno feel inside of the uterus besides ovaries?

A gynecologist can feel many things in the uterus besides the ovaries. They can feel fibroids, fallopian tubes and at times, a baby.

What types of fibroids are there?

Submucous fibroids are found in the uterine cavity; intramural fibroids grow on the wall of the uterus; and subserous fibroids are located on the outside of the uterus.

Fibroids on ovary?

Fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus, not the ovary.

What is a myomatous uterus?

A myomatous uterus is a uterus with fibroids, or benign tumors of the uterine muscle.

Can women get pregnant if fibroids on the outside if uterus?


What type of procedure is a myomectomy?

A Myomectomy is a surgery that removes Fibroids without disturbing the healthy tissue of the Uterus. It is typically best for women who still want to be able to have children after treating their Fibroids.

What kinds of uterine fibroids are there?

Fibroids are divided into different types, depending on the location. Submucous fibroids are found in the uterine cavity; intramural fibroids grow on the wall of the uterus; and subserous fibroids are located on the outside

What does a firm uterus mean?

It might mean that the uterus contains fibroids that are causing the firmness.

What system do the ovaries and the uterus belong to?

The ovaries and uterus are part of the female reproductive system. The ovaries are also part of the endocrine system.

Why do fibroids make you gain weight?

Fibroids grow in the uterus, and depending on the size, they can make the abdomen appear larger. Once the fibroids are removed, the stomach normally shrinks.

What is a Myomectomy?

It is a procedure in which myomas (uterine fibroids) are surgically removed from the uterus

Can you get pregnant with an cyst?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you have a cysts on your ovaries or your uterus, but it could take a while. If it is a small cyst on your uterus, it should disappear by itself without surgery.