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Yes. It may mean that you are in the process of losing the fetus and it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. You should call your doctor.

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Q: Can you have heavy vaginal bleeding and lower abdorimal pains and be pregnant?
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I am having heavy bleeding and bad cramps can you still be pregnant?

Iam having heavy bleeding and bad cramps can you still be pregnant?

Can vaginal bleeding during a pregnancy be heavy and have menstrual like cramping?

Well it depends. This sounds kind of serious I would go to a doctor right away. Sounds like a miscarrage, you shouldn't be bleeding that profusely when pregnant.

Can you get pregnant after heavy bleeding stop for 1 day?


You fainted twice back to back and you have heavy cramping but you are bleeding are you pregnant?

If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.

Is there any heavy white bleed in pregnant ladies?

WHITE bleeding? No.

Can implantation bleeding be heavy like?

Yea it can. I experienced it and found out I was pregnant

If you think your pregnant can you use tampons?

It's biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - although it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, it isn't that common. If you are pregnant and start to experience vaginal bleeding you should seek immediate medical attention.You should only ever use tampons during menstruation when you know how heavy your bleeding is going to be in order to know what absorbency tampon that you can use safely.

Can you bleed heavy while being pregnant?

if you are bleeding heavily than you probably aren't pregnant, but if you have had a positive pregnancy test and are bleeding heavily you need to see a doctor

How can you tell the difference between spotting and your period when it comes to being pregnant?

Periods while pregnant:You will not have a normal flow, heavy period and be pregnant. This is typically impossible.However it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding which is very light (requires one or less pads) or only a bit of blood on tissue paper when you wipe and be pregnant. This bleeding is usually implantation bleeding and it will occur 6-12 days after sexual intercourse.What does spotting look like?Vaginal spotting will resemble drops of blood in your underwear or even drops/spots of blood on the tissue paper when you wipe. With spotting you may only experience 2-3 spots/drops of blood or it may be only 1 spot/drop of blood.Spotting is probably the most lightest form of Vaginal bleeding.

What is heavy vaginal bleeding a sign of?

sometimes, it can be a sign of just a heavy menstrual period- at other times, it could be something more serious.... call your gynacalogist and have them check it out

Long heavy periods and pregnancy?

If you know for sure that you are pregnant, it is probably not going to be your period, although some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. Or it could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor as soon as you can.

What happens if you use a tampon during bleeding in miscarriage if you didn't know you were pregnant?

There are no ill effects from using a tampon for bleeding from miscarriage, whether or not you knew you were pregnant. You can use tampons or pads for this bleeding. If bleeding is extremely heavy, pads may be easier.