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if your first period was normal and then your next period was not normal for you then you could have got pregnant between the months

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No Silly You Have Your Period So Your Safe Not Pregnant

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Q: Can you have intercourse then have a period few days after then next month when your period is due it only lasts two days and is really light can you be pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant if your period lasts 3-5 days?

Yes you can b pregnant..........

Can you be pregnant after having your period for one day?

Yes. Anytime you ovulate you can become pregnant. It has nothing to do with how long your period lasts.

Is it possible to get pregnant if one gets only 2 days period?

yes you can get pregnant if you get your period no matter how long the menstrual cycle lasts

How long are you on the period?

when you get it, usually for the first couple of years your period is erratic and skips months, and lasts really long or really short. after a while, your period regulates and only lasts about a week or a little longer per month

What are the causes if your period lasts for a day only?

You may be pregnant or on a birth control pill/needle

How long does implantation lasts?

Implantation period occurs 6-12 days after intercourse. Implantation bleeding lasts a few hours to 3 days.

Could you be pregnant if you have a normal period and that lasts about 5 to 7 days and then you have one that is just 2 days?

No, you can't be pregnant because when you have you're period it indicates that the eggs(ovaries) are changing in you..therefor you couldn't be pregnant.

Are you able to get pregnant if your period last for 3 or 4 days?

Yes, you're able to get pregnant if your period lasts for 3-4 days. How long menstruation lasts doesn't impact whether or not you can get pregnant, what matters if ovulation and the fertile phase. If you want to avoid pregnancy then always assume you could be fertile and use birth control.

What if your period is shorter than usual?

If your period has came early and lasts 3-4 days, pr shorter than usual, you are pregnant. This process is called implantation.

If you have light bleeding that lasts only a few days and your NOT pregnant does it count as your period for that month?

yes, it is normal for your flow to vary Joymaker rn

How long are silver foxes pregnant?

The silver fox is a color morph of the red fox. The gestation period lasts 49–58 days.

Can you menstruate for two days and conceive in that month instead of four or five days?

Yes. The number of days your period lasts has nothing to do if you can get pregnant or not.