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Q: Can you have measles and shingles at the same time?
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Does having the measles make you immune from shingles?

No, in fact Measles causes Shingles later in life. If you have had Measles you may very well develop Shingles when you are elderly. There is a vaccine for Shingles, but it's only available to those over the age of 60.

Can you get chickenpox and measles at the same time?

The virus of chicken pox and measles are different

Can you get shingles in two different areas at the same time?


How many times can you get shingles?

i have heard it said that you can have measles twice, but both a family member and i have had the measles 5 times. i don't know if you can have it more than 5 times.

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Can you have chickenpox and German measles at same time?

This is just possible theoretically. But it should be very rare in practice to have such patient.

Why are shingles sore?

Shingles is a herpetic infection of the skin that usually affects a specific dermatome (nerve root). It is described by some patients as very painful and by others as very itchy - that is because both the pain and itch sensations run in the same nerve root.

Is it possible to have shingles for a year?

Yes, but that is a long time to have for. Shingles are caused by the varicella virus (the same one that causes chicken pox). If you've never had chicken pox, you can't get shingles. (I'm a doctor)

Can you get chickenpox after measles how long the healing period?

they are different viruses, you can get them in any order or both at the same time.

What are four common viruses?

Chickenpox, shingles, viral hepatitis, and AIDS ( Modern Biology Holt edition )

What if shingles do not form blisters?

In shingles, blisters do not form all the time.