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No. let me explain. see the ovaries are kind of with the uterus when an egg drops from the ovary into the uterus it is waiting to be fertilized by a sperm and whenever its not the lining inside the uterus denigrates and leaks out of the uterus and therefore its a period. hope i was any help.

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12y ago

I had a hysteroscopy done & the dr told me i had no endometrium. I was told i would never have a period again because there is no longer lining to be shed from the uterus.

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Q: Can you have no uterus but still have periods?
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Can a woman still have menstrual periods after a hystorectomy?

No, a woman cannot still have menstrual periods after a hysterectomy. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining, if there's no more uterus there's no more menstruation.

How do get your periods after getting your tubes ties?

Yes, you still have your period having having your tubes tied. The uterus still sheds monthly, even though there is no egg being released to flow through the tube into the uterus.

How do you know if you have a uterus?

if you are a female you will have periods can assume you have a can be palpated by a doctor also

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Where does girls get their periods?

In the uterus and it comes out of the vaginal canal.

Will you have menstrual periods after hysteretomy?

No, you would obviously no longer menstruate after you've have a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is where the uterus is removed, if you have no uterus then you have no uterus to shed (menstruation).

Do you still get a period once your ovaries and tubes have been removed?

of course, the monthly shedding come from the lining of the uterus ________________________ Removing the fallopian tubes (the passage from the ovaries to the uterus, called a "tubal ligation") will prevent a woman from having children, but she would still have monthly menstrual periods.

Why do girls have monthly periods?

Girls get periods to prepare their bodies to have a baby when they are older. The blood comes from inside the uterus, in which the wall of the uterus sheds a fluid containing blood that isn't needed. It is needed when you get pregnant. That's why you miss periods if you are pregnant.

Where does the blood from normal periods go?

The blood travels from the uterus out the vagina.

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Why women get their periods?

The ovaries produce an egg which makes it way to the uterus via the fallopian tubes. The uterus is prepared for the egg to be attached to its wall. If the egg does not get fertilised by the male sperm, the uterus lining and the egg is shed. This cycle is repeated every month and is called the periods.

Is skipping good for uterus?

Skipping periods is neither harmful nor helpful to your uterus. Doctors have found no reason that women need to menstruate every month and found nothing harmful in skipping periods. Skipping periods can be helpful for other reasons; if you have long heavy periods that leave you anemic or cause a lot of cramping.