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Yes it is very possible to bleed during early pregnancy. This kind of bleeding is usually spotting or very light and is referred to a early pregnancy bleeding. But all pregnancy bleeding that is red in colour does need to be investigated by your doctor to make sure the foetus is viable and doing ok.

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15y ago

It is normal to spot lightly-medium bleeding. If you are bleeding very heavily go to the doctor, this isn't normal for most to costantly bleed

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12y ago

Yes that's possible you should visit an expert if it's bleeding for to long

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11y ago

Some mild spotting, and sometimes it can feel like a period that never arrives, but increase in bleeding and pain is not usual and should be checked by a health professional.

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Q: Is it possible to bleed during first month of pregnancy?
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No. A mild bleed in the first month of pregnancy is usually due to implantation, and can mimic menstruation.

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Sometimes. If the blood is a dark or brown color it is dead blood and not much to worry about. If it is a red color it is fresh, or living blood. It could be a ... not sure of the word in English, but a "menace" of miscarriage.

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Is it possible to bleed a lot during pregnancy and not miscarry?

If you know for sure that you are pregnant, it is probably not going to be your period, although some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. Or it could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor as soon as you can.

Is it possible for your tummy to be hard during the first month of pregnancy?

well of course because of the baby is starting to form inside

Can a girl get pregnant if she is on her period and its her first time we were doing and i stop b4 i came and we were like okay.. but she hasn't bleed seance does that mean shes is?

It is possible to become pregnant at any point during the month, as well as the part of the month that is your period. If a person uses protection, then the chance is certainly very much decreased. But if no protection was present and this person has yet to bleed again, I would most definitely consider the possibility of pregnancy and buy a pregnancy test.

Can you have colostrium in your first trimester?

Yes, each woman and pregnancy is unique. It is possible to leak colostrum during the first trimester. That is how I knew I was pregnant with my third child.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Yes, I am a living example of that I had the period that would be considered my first month into pregnancy already had found out i was pregnant it was the second one and so on that i did not get. If you think you're pregnant go see a doctor or take a home test.

Is it possible to menstruate while pregnant?

Menstruation is the body shedding the uterine lining. If an egg is fertilized, i.e. you're pregnant, you won't menstruate. Just to elaborate on the previous posters answer... - Although I do agree that it is extremely unlikely, women can-and-do, have "bleed-off" for the first month, and it has happened for even fewer women for the first 2 months during pregnancy... although as far as I know a "typical" period is beyond even "highly unlikely". It is more likely to be spotting or light bleeding for the first month of your pregnancy when you would normally be menstruating. If you are bleeding during pregnancy at ANY time, you should call the doctor immediately.