

Can you have surgery on your spleen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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it is possible to have surgery on a spleen, you can also have your spleen removed but only if its due to something serious, like a blood disorder etc.......the main 2 organs to ever get removed from humans is the appendix (appendicitis) and the gallbladder (mainly due to gallstones)

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Q: Can you have surgery on your spleen?
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Weight of a spleen?

The average weight of an adult spleen is 0.44 lbs. During and after digestion, the size of the spleen increases. Infection of malaria or mono can also cause the spleen to increase in size. If the increase in size is significant, the spleen can rupture. If the spleen ruptures, immediate medicalcare is necessary. You may need emergency surgery to control the bleeding.

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The spleen is an internal organ that removes old blood cells from the cat's circulatory system and holds a reserve of blood in case of injury. The spleen doesn't typically cause any harm unless it is ruptured, a veterinary emergency requiring immediate surgery to save the cat. The spleen is well protected, so the cat would have to receive a traumatic injury for this to happen.

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That is called as Spleen.

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The spleen is the largest lymphy node in the human body

Is your spleen near your hip?

Well, no, not really. It's up kinda behind and between your liver and stomach. It's hidden in there, pretty hard to get at in surgery.

What filters lymph and is a reservoir for blood?

The spleen.

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The spleen is the largest organ of the Lymphatic system.

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the scientific name for spleen is spleen xD

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The spleen

Your dog had surgery and died 2 days later you went down to see him within 5 min and his gums were white and ears and he was swollen is this normal he made surgery fine He had a spleen that ruptered?

White gums are a sign of internal bleeding. If his spleen ruptured he might have bled to death so quickly that there was no time to react to save him. The swelling might be from the blood filling his body cavity, which would have also drawn blood away from his ears. The things you describe are normal for a ruptured spleen, but only the vet can tell you the cause of that.

What does the fish's spleen do?

A fish's spleen does what a human's spleen does, releases blood cells when needed

What is the Hebrew word for spleen?

The word spleen into Hebrew is טחול