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no Hun believe me i used to be a doctor but i did not put it on my bio. for the first three weeks you will feel sick but be care full you don't want to get your temperate over 102 or you will miscarriage.

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Q: Can you have symptoms of being pregnant at only 3 weeks?
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You are 6 weeks pregnant and your symptoms suddendly stopped why?

You only have symptoms for a few weeks, not for the entire pregnancy.

What to expect during the first 2 weeks of pregnancy?

Most women don't even know they are pregnant at that point. There should be very few symptoms of pregnancy if any, at only 2 weeks pregnant.

Can you have symptoms of being pregnant if you are only fifteen?

If you have started having your period you need to go get a pregnancy test.

Just because I have the symptoms does that mean im pregnant?

No, you can have the symptoms and not be pregnant and not have any symptoms but still be pregnant. The only way to be sure is to take a test.

How long will it take for a woman to know she is pregnant and what are the symptoms?

Hello. A woman can only tell she is pregnant by doing a pregnancy test then by seeing her doctor for confirmation on the results of the pregnancy test. The first indication of pregnancy is a missed period.

If you have missed period by 5 days with no symptoms of pregnancyare there chances of being pregnant?

The only way to be sure is to do a pregnancy test, but a late period and back pain does not mean you are pregnant.

You have my tubes tied and you got the system's of being pregnant but it's only been 2 weeks since your last period could you be pregnant?


Can you get a metal taste in your mouth when pregnant within a week of conceiving and that be the only symptom?

Symptoms normally occur at 2 weeks at the earliest, but since this is a very common symptom, you could be pregnant. Is there any way that you could have gotten pregnant before then?

Are you pregnant if you have the symptoms late period lower abdomen pain eating a lot and all of these occurred about 5 weeks after having sex?

Its very possible you could be pregnant. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if you're pregnant. Only a blood test can do that.

Can stress make you think you are pregnant like if you are worried about being pregnant and it's only been about a week and a half to two weeks and you are VERY stressed out about it?

Absolutely! If you haven't had your period the symptoms before you get it are pretty much the same as with pregnancy, sore breasts etc. And stress can make your period stay away.

What could cause my breast to be sore for 3 weeks?

If you are not starting puberty, the only other times when that area may be sore is when you start to get the symptoms of breast cancer.Also when you are pregnant.

I was showing all the symptoms of pregnancy for about 2 weeks Then the symptoms started to fade and I started to pass blood clots with lots of pelvic pain could it have been a miscarriage?

It would be good to know the "symptoms of pregnancy" you showed. Some women do bleed about 1-3 weeks after conception, which is why many find out they're pregnant only when they are already 8 weeks pregnant, because they think the bleeding was their monthly period. If you're not sure you should consult a gynecologist in any case.