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NO! Because it's a psychological issue and should be treated by a psychologist because he honestly doesn't believe he is lying (so no, he's not lying to you about the fact he's a liar.) People that are compulsive liars have usually grown up in an environment, or sometimes they are ashamed of their past or feel that they're past is not as exciting as most people's so they either make something small in their lives dramatic to attract attention by their peers or, they simply lie. You are either going to have to take your friend the way they are, or move on.

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Q: Can you help a compulsive liar if he won't admit to lying?
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How do you stop compulsive lying?

If you are asking about someone other than yourself who is a compulsive liar, there is nothing you can do unless you are the parent of the person. If that's the case, you may need the help of a therapist or psychologist to find the root cause that the child is compelled to lie. Any other person than your own child, you can't control. That person must want to overcome their problem and seek help suitable for them. You can't do it for them. If you are asking because you are a compulsive liar and wish to overcome this, then you need to know what is compelling you to lie. If you don't succeed in figuring this out by yourself, a psychologist can help you. The most important step is the desire and determination to overcome it.

How can you help a compulsive liar to stop lying?

liar liarWhat's common amongst compulsive disorders is they're all very difficult to correct. That's if this indivual actually recognizes the problem. (if they don't, it's impossible to correct)When a person has a habit of bending the truth, sugarcoating it, or just deliberately refusing to tell it,-- this tells a bit about them. Insecurity is a big factor. He or she has the obligation to meet the needs and demands of their surroundings. Even when he or she knows they fall short. Another important factor is denial. Most of these victoms will have a hard time admitting they've lied even when the truth uncovered proven. Solving this issue is very similar to that of every other addiction or bad habbit--they must do it themselves! You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. How to help most effectively is revealing to this person that there is no need to constantly over or undertell the truth. Dark always comes to the light no matter what the situation. This person needs to understand that the people around them know what they do. No question. Any sort of compulsive behavior sticks out like a sore thumb. Also that they're making a bed of nails that someday theyre gonna have to lie in. So basically, they have to help themselves

Is the movie liar liar rated pg13?

yes the movie liar liar is pg 13 for some violence and language

When was sponge bob invented?

liar liar you are a liar

What is a movie to teach liars to be good?

Liar, Liar

Related questions

How do you stop lying you are a compulsive liar?

Go get help. Get counseling and figure out why you lie.

Can a compulsive liar stop lying?


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Is there a mental illness When a person believes their lies?

Yes it is called Pathological Liar or Compulsive Liar. If someone is lying to gain something whether it be admiration, power, money, etc. this is a Pathological Liar. If someone is lying about everything even small details or changes stories around for no apparent reason this is a Compulsive Liar. I personally think both are dangerous and both can and/or will lie for some sort of gain. Usually a Compulsive Liar will lie, know it's a lie, and actually believe it. A Pathological Liar might know they are lying and not necessarily believe it but will defend it. Hope this helped.

How can you help a compulsive liar?

You can't. I've tried.

What is a a compulsive liar?

A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary. A compulsive liar may also have difficulties with poor self esteem. For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning, rather they simply lie out of habit - an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship. A compulsive liar may have difficulties with poor self esteem.

After being in a relationship with a compulsive liar and having it fall to pieces is it possible for you to become a compulsive liar with more demented feelings as your ex?

It's possible, but because you have separated it means you weren't happy in this relationship so you expect honesty and a lot more while a compulsive liar can't help what they say, but know they are wrong about lying and are either in denial or refuse counseling for their problem. As far as you are concerned it's safe to say that you aren't a compulsive liar and it's best to move on and find someone that is better suited for you. Good luck

How can you tell if you are a compulsive liar?

Usually compulsive liars are not confident individuals and they feel the need to dramatize certain events in their lives to impress others. These are some of the signs of a compulsive liar: If the compulsive liar did something wrong and someone else found out they'd lie their way out of it. Telling others about things in their life that didn't happen. Dramatizing events in their life that didn't go down the way it did. Lying over silly things such as borrowing something from someone and denying they ever had it. Lying about other people. Constantly blaming others for the problems one gets themselves into. These are but a few. If a person has been told they are a compulsive liar they probably are. Compulsive liars often don't mean to be this way, so professional help does help them balance out their lives, face themselves and not be afraid of being who they are or telling the truth and taking the consequences for their own actions. Marcy

How can you fix things if you are a compulsive liar and you lost all your friends and your family doesn't love you and you feel scared and alone?

Get therapy for your problem, it isn't something you can just get over. A therapist can help you find ways to overcome your compulsive lying and help you figure out how to win back your friends and family.

If you lie out of fear sometimes is it considered compulsive lying?

No, lying out of fear is not compulsive lying. It may be a compulsion, but that's a normal reaction; a defense mechanism. If you lie out of fear, it is justified, therefore *not* driven by a compulsion. Compulsive lying is an actual disorder, characterized by the pathalogical liar telling fibs without motivation, often telling wildly exaggerated stories and appearing to honestly believe them to be true.

What is the medical name for a compulsive liar?

Psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, and other mental health personnel use the term 'compulsive lying' when they refer to people who cannot control their lying, that is, people who feel compelled to lie and are aware that they are lying. Therefore, compulsive lying implies impaired ability to control it. The term 'compulsive lying' is not a diagnosis. It is a behavior or a symptom associated with a number of mental disorders [for example, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder]. The term "confabulation" is used to describe lying or invention when the person who is lying is not aware that they are lying. To be more specific, confabulation is treating a fantasy as a fact, without awareness that fantasy has replaced fact."

If a compulsive liar told you he's a compulsive liar would you believe him?

Yes, but I'm naieve....