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No way! You shouldn't touch your baby hamsters until they are 3 weeks old. If they are younger than that and you touch them, your scent will stick to their fur. After that, the mom hamster will get scared of the new scent on her baby and EAT THEM!! You don't want that, so don't touch them too early!!

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13y ago
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14y ago

Yes you can. At three weeks the hamsters are ready to leave their mother.

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14y ago

Yes, defiantly. You can hold a hamster when they leave their mother, just after 2 weeks.

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14y ago

No, I recommend wait until they are 2 weeks old, so the mom won't eat them.

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13y ago

Yes, just make sure it doesn't get scared.

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Q: Can you hold the hamster babies after 3 weeks?
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How many days after your hamster has babies can you hold it?

about 2-3 weeks

How many weeks does a hamster carry its babies?

It depends on what hamster you have. Usually they are pregnant for 2 weeks. 14-16 days. If your hamster is pregnant for 20 days or over, like most people say, then there must be something wrong. I have 2 hamsters. A boy and girl and the girl has had babies 3 different times. Working on 4. So, I am pretty certain that a hamster has its babies in early 3 weeks after the mating. If your hamster is having babies, and you don't want more. Seperate the boy from the girl. After the girl has her babies she gives out this fuem kind of thing that attracks the male, and in another 2 weeks you will have babies. If you have a hamster, they usually have up to 10 babies.

When can hamsters produce babies?

Your hamster has to be 12 weeks old and it will take around 3 weeks till the hamsters are born.

When can you handle a hamster mother?

It is safest to handle a hamster mother when it's ok to hold her babies as well (3 and 1/2 weeks). But you can take her out for short periods about a week after she's given birth, to give her a break from motherhood, and the babies will be fine also. Good luck!

How long does it take for a hamster to make babies?

about a week.......if not it will be in a short amount of time

How old do dwarf hamster babies need to be before it is safe for them to be touched by humans?

2-3 weeks.

Will 3 week old dwarf hamster babies eat the newborn dwarf hamster babies?

My hamsters baby's were nearly 4 weeks old when we found she had given birth to more babies and they seemed to protect them with mum

How can you save baby hamsters?

don't touch them until they become 2 to 3 weeks old .. separate the father hamster from the mother hamster and the babies .

How soon after the hamster has given birth can you clean the house with the babies in?

Once the babies have become independent and are not feeding off the mother. If you handle the babies or put your scent in the cage before this time, the mother will eat the babies.

How long should you wait to hold a baby hamster?

Raising Hamster BabiesDo not disturb the litter for at least 14 days. If the nest is disturbed the mother may kill the babies and eat them. If one of the babies gets away from the others, don't worry, the mother will retrieve it. The cage should be cleaned two weeks after birth and the babies should be separated from the mother at 28 days. Also be sure to to separate the Mother and babies from the daddy hamster. The daddy hamster will harm the babies and the mom always needs to be with her babies.{

When can hamsterbabies go in their own cage?

You want them to be about 4 weeks but you can take them out at 3 weeks. At about 3 weeks they start eating and drinking on their own, so leave them about a week after that. Some people immediately take hamster babies out when they see them start drinking and eating on their own but I don't agree with this; it depends on your own personal opinion. Don't take your hamster babies out before 3 weeks though. Don't touch or anything to the babies at birth - 4 weeks; the mother could be over protective; leave the mother with the babies.

How old do hamster pups have to be before holding?

Well, I only hold my Hamster Babies after they are a month old. If you want to make sure, wait until they grow body hair and have already opened their eyes. Then you can hold them. But it really depends on the mother. If the mother hamster is a first timer, she may panic when you hold her babies and might eat them, so if your Mommy Hamster is a first timer, better make sure and wait until they opened their eyes. But if your Mommy Hamster is already an experienced one, they may allow you to hold her babies, let's say, about 2 or 3 weeks old. But to be sure, just wait at a minimum of 1 month. Hope that helps. ;)