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No. It has no connection to the sense of smell.

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Q: Can you imagine you can smell things like sulphur when you have prostate cancer?
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Does a running nose have anything to do with prostate cancer?

It's doubtful. Runny noses can be caused by many things (allergies, a cold, the flu, etc). Prostate cancer is generally not related to them, and having one does not mean you'll get the other.

What do higher than normal PSA levels mean?

Elevated PSA levels can mean different things. It can point to a higher risk of cancer of the prostate or it could point to a more benign enlargement of the prostate. It is important to understand that prostate cancer can occur with normal PSA levels present. Your boyfriend should follow up with his physician to do more tests to determine what is causing the elevated PSA levels.

How long can a man survive with prostate cancer?

The survival rate for prostate cancer varies depending on the stage at diagnosis and individual factors. In general, the 5-year relative survival rate for prostate cancer is close to 100% if detected early. Advanced prostate cancer may have a lower survival rate, often depending on how aggressive the cancer is and how well it responds to treatment.

What does prostata mean?

The prostata means many things. The term prostata is a New Latin word for prostate. Prostate is a term that is used to describe things associated with the prostate gland.

Can psa high levels indicate gallbladder infected instead of prostate cancer?

Absolutely not. Your WBC count would be elevated, among other things, but certainly not PSA levels.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Prostate Healthy?

Prostate cancer is the top caner among males, and in terms of fatalities it comes in second to lung cancer across the globe. Prostate cancer is not always easy to detect. In fact, it can go unnoticed for several years before a diagnosis is made and treatment can begin. That is why prostate health is such an important topic for men. There are several things a man can do to ensure prostate health. 1. Eat right. When a person's diet contains the right balance of nutrients it can be good for overall health and specifically for prostate health. Carotenoid, found in fruits like tomatoes and watermelon, can help men maintain better prostate health. Try to include good sources of carotenoid in your diet. 2. Don't stay stressed. Maintaining high levels of stress can wreak havoc on your body and cause a number of different health problems. That includes prostate problems. In addition to that, stress can negatively impact your libido and sexual health. To get rid of stress, avoid things that cause tension and anxiety whenever possible. Participate in hobbies and exercise that you enjoy. During the day, take frequent breaks and practice taking deep breaths to relieve the tension that builds up in your body. 3. Find out about your family medical history. If there is a history of prostate problems in your family, you are already at a greater risk of getting prostate cancer. Close relatives who have had prostate cancer should be a warning to you to get a checkup with your doctor. If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, let your family members know so that they can alert their doctors to the increased risk. 4. Ask your doctor to do a PSA test. Prostate Specific Antigen test are commonly used by doctors in the United States to determine if a man has prostate cancer. As with most cancers, early detection can improve treatment options and increase survival rates. 5. Increase the amount of lycopene you get in your diet. Studies have shown that lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes, can help prevent men from developing prostate cancer by attacking the male hormone androgen. So next time you're out, ask for a little extra ketchup. If better health is your goal, your best option is to be in the know. Find out more about prostate cancer and your specific risk by talking to your doctor. Know the warning signs and don't avoid going to your doctor for checkups. The sooner you start proactively managing your prostate health, the better.

Did a speaker of Parliament from Australia ever come to the US for a prostate cancer surgery?

I'm assuming that you got this from Glenn Beck. He is the most ignorant man by far, and if people take the time out to research half the things he says the are not true. and he NEVER uses evidence to back up anything he says. To answer your question, no speaker of parliament from Australia came to the US for prostate cancer surgery.

Can kicking a man in the testicles cause prostate cancer?

No. Prostate cancer is caused by changes in the DNA (at the genetic level) of prostate cells. Being kicked in the testicles can cause bruising, hemorrhaging, rupture of the testicle, torsion, swelling, and severe pain, but it is not likely to be the cause of prostate cancer. When cells in the prostate divide to proliferate, each should form 2 identical cells to the parent cell. Cells also have a control that tells them when and how often to divide. For whatever reason (whatever triggers the change in the DNA), a cell begins to divide erratically and produces cells that are not identical to the parent cell. These mutated cells continue to divide and produce more, further changed cells. Often, cancer cells are very different from the original parent cell, and they multiply more rapidly. Their proliferation is out of control. Many things can trigger the change in the DNA. Exposure to carcinogens, known and unknown, and familial history of cancer of a similar type can predispose an individual to developing cancer.

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Can a woman be affected by a man who has radiation for prostate cancer?

The previous answer is not accurate. Women also have prostate glands, previously called paraurethral or Skene's glands, connected to the distal third of the urethra in the prevaginal space.

How did Merv Griffin die of prostate Cancer?

Merv Griffin was a famous talk show host and creator of some very successful game shows. While many men do not get their prostate checked regularly, especially as they age, Mr. Griffin did all the right things and had regular check-ups. When he was diagnosed with cancer in 1996, he was treated promptly, and his doctors believed they had caught his cancer in time. Sadly, it returned a few years later, leading to his death in 2007, at age 82.

Understanding Prostate Cancer Symptoms Could Save Your Life?

The prostate gland produces seminal fluid that the sperm travels in. This walnut-sized gland can cause a lot of problems for men when they are not aware of what the prostate cancer symptoms are. Understanding what to watch for could save your life. As prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers found in men, it is important that men over 50 have regular screenings. However, if this does run in your family, you may want to be screened earlier. If caught early on and the cancer stays confined to this gland, the prognosis is really good. The symptoms of prostate cancer are often not noticed until the cancer has spread, but if you know what to watch for, you may be able to catch it in its early stages. Some of the things to look for include: Trouble Urinating: Even just a small hesitancy in urination could be a sign of something wrong. When the prostate gland becomes swollen, it can make it more difficult to urinate. You should also watch for changes in the strength of the stream and whether or not you are struggling to push the urine out. Frequency of Urination: Another symptom of prostate cancer will include a change to how often you feel the urge to urinate. While this can also be a sign of a simple enlarged prostate, it is important that you talk to your doctor when you suddenly notice you are awake several times in the night because of the urge to urinate. Some may even notice that they are unable to hold their urine and have problems with incontinence. Erection and Ejaculation Issues: If cancer has taken hold of the prostate, it can easily spread and cause problems with the nerves. Symptoms of this could lead to problems in maintaining an erection or could even lead to painful ejaculation. Pain in the Anal Region: If the cancer has spread, it can also cause pain to be felt in the region of the anus. This pain may even be noticed in the pelvic area. Due to the fact that the symptoms of prostate cancer can be very subtle and very slow to appear, it is important that men of all ages take special care to look for them. Simply keeping track of your urination habits could save your life.