

Can you inhale bacteria

Updated: 11/1/2022
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14y ago

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Yes, hence the phrase 'coughs and sneezes spread diseases'.

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Q: Can you inhale bacteria
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Not necessarily; Unless you inhale a lot, you will survive.

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No because you have germs on your skin and you can get sick if you inhale or "eat" the Germs or bacteria

What are two ways that bacteria causes disease?

1) if it gets into open wounds 2) if you inhale it somehow

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Sewage is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. It is not safe at all to inhale the fumes of sewage as a result. Several types of pathogens could enter the sinus and lungs and multiply within the body.

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when u inhale things

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Sponges are filter feeders, so they trap different forms of bacteria in them whenever they inhale. When they exhale, they convert that bacteria into nitrogen that helps clean up the water for all types of sea creatures.

When you inhale?

When you inhale

How do badgers give cows tb?

Badgers are the wildlife reservoir for Mycobacterium bovis in the UK; the badgers carry the bacteria in their respiratory tracts and sneeze/cough/hack the bacteria over the cow's food/water/pasture. When the cows come by and inhale over the bacteria, the TB bacteria are pulled into the cow's lungs and create an infection.

What are buggers made of?

Your nose has this sticky stuff coating the inside of it. when you breath in through your nose all of the bacteria, dirt, and chemicals you inhale stick to the substance and it forms a bugger.

Does your diaphragm contract and move down when you inhale or exhale?

you inhale when your diaphragm contracts.

When you inhale you breathe in what?

When you inhale you breath in oxygen