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Any time you layer on top of existing shingles you cut down the life span of the new roof. (Roof gets hotter and so the materials deteriorate faster.)

So you may be able to do it (check local codes) but it isn't advisable.

If you're looking to save, you may be able to do the tear-off yourself.

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Yes. It works particularly well if the exposure of both shingles is the same.

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Q: Can you install dimensional shingles over dimensional shingles?
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How do you install dimensional shingles over 3 tab shingles?

Complete instructions should be included on the shingle package, but essentially what you will be doing is placing the top of the new shingle against the bottom edge of the old shingle, assuming the exposure of the shingles is the same.

When you install shingles over an old layer of shingles do you have to put down felt or do you put the new layer of shingles directly over the old layer?

With composition shingles, no felt is necessary between shingle layers. When the exposure of the shingles is the same as the old exposure, the bottom edge of the old shingles is used as a guide for the upper edge of the new shingles in placement. This ability to place the shingles would be lost if covered with felt.

Are shingles needed when laying ice guard?

Specifically, No, shingles aren't needed. When laying Ice Guard, it should be installed over/or under the tar paper, and under where the shingles "will " be installed. You could wait for probably up to a month afterwords to install the shingles over top of the Ice Guard.

Can dimensional shingles not 3 tab be used for ridge vent shingles?

certainly, cut them 12" wide

Do all styles of asphalt shingles equal 3 bundles per square?

No dimensional shingles require 4 bundles per square

How many bundles in a square of dimensional shingles?

Could be three or four, depending on the weight.

What are dim shingles?

They are shingles that are thicker than the regular 3-tab shingles, so they stand out better on the roof and create a nicer look. The 'dim' stands for dimensional, as an additional dimension to a flat tabbed shingle.

What manufacturers offer coupons for roofing shingles?

Both 3-tab and Dimensional shingles offer coupons with their packaging. Check on the packages of the shingles themselves at your local Home Depot to find out what savings might be had by using these coupons.

Is there any shingles in the US?

Shingles is present all over the world.

How much is architect shingles per square?

Architectural dimension shingles will vary in price depending on style, thickness, durability, and production costs. Cheaper dimensional shingles currently (2008) run anywhere from $50/square to $175/square.

How do you install drip cap?

Roofing drip cap along the bottom edge of the roofed surface will go under the roof underlayment and shingles. Along the pitched edges of the roofed surface, the drip cap should be installed over the underlayment, but under the shingles.

How do you install ridge cap using 3 tab shingles?

Cut the shingles into three individual tabs. Center a tab over the peak and put one nail on each side above the tar strip. Lay the next one over it as you would a shingle and continue to the end. On the last one, you will have to surface nail the shingle.