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There is no blanket answer to this question, the answer may depend on the seriousness of the offense. You will have to actually discuss it with a military recruiter to learn the answer.

It is likely you mean "expunged" not "adjudicated."

ad·ju·di·cate (ə-jū'dĭ-kāt')

  1. To hear and settle (a case) by judicial procedure.
  2. To study and settle (a dispute or conflict): The principal adjudicated our quarrel.

To adjudicate a felony means to hear upon it in court; this happens in the case of most felony charges, all in fact that are not dropped by the prosecutor's office. One of two end results will occur: the defendant will be found guilty or not guilty (it can also result in a mistrial, but that only results in additionaly cases so is no "end" result).

Even if your case is expunged, the arrest record remains forever. If by some miracle you managed to get the record sealed, including the arrest, it would matter little; the military is the federal government, Big Brother, who has access to everything. There are just some felony charges that will block your access to federal service. Most drug charges, all sex charges, some assault charges and larcenies. As mentioned above, talk to the recruiter, and hope for the best.

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There is no way of answering this question. You will have to speak with your military recruiter to learn the answer to this question.

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It's possible, but highly unlikely.

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Q: Can you join the army if your felony charge was adjudicated?
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Can you go to the army if you have felony charges pending?

While it is possible to be waivered in under some circumstances, it's a highly unlikely thing to happen.

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U.S army

i was convicted of a violent felony in 1997 at age 19 in MI. am i still eligible to enroll in the army that was my only criminal record?

Unfortunately the army highly scrutinizes those who have felony because everyone wants to join now. People who have been convinced of a felony have a very slim chance of joining however, some people are able to get waivers based on what the charge was. I am actuality trying to join the army and while I was talking to my recruiter I overheard another recruiter working with a person trying to join who had been convicted of aggravated assault. The recruiter told him that people with aggravated assault cannot join. If your violent felony involved other people you probably cant join

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It dePends on the crime but the army will take u

Can you join the army with three felony's?

Nope. Among other problems, you cannot have access to firearms.

Can you join the Army or the National guard with a shoplifting charge?

It is possible. It is best if you divulge this to your recruiter immediately. If the charge was a felony, then it will be tougher, but still not impossible. You are not likely to be permitted to work in finance, and supply or quartermaster may be out of reach, but you should still be able to get a waiver.

Can you join the army with old felony?

It's possible, but highly unlikely to the point of being virtually impossible.

Can you join the army with a drug charge?

The Marine Corps is really specific when it comes to drugs. essentially you are not eligible if you have had any drug chares other than simple possession of a small amount of marijuana. Since state to state may vary on what they determine small amount to be, you will have to ask your recruiter about specifics

Can I join the military with a domestic?

Well, I'm not really sure, I mean, you can go to, they have the answers to that question, about whether or not you can join the army if you have a felony. I think it said you can, but you'll have to state your records, or if you don't, that is a felony. Just go to, it will tell you

Can you join the army if you have a violent felony?

There's a 99.99% chance of the answer being no. Some things, you can be waivered in for. Violent crimes, however, no.