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As long as the document is from a State or Federally recognized and accredited educational institution, it doesn't matter if it's online or not. For example, a diploma from "Joe's Online High School Diplomas" wouldn't cut it, but a diploma from an online program administered by an accredited school is okay.

It's similar to an online diploma for a college degree; a BS from DeVry isn't going to get you into the military as a commissioned officer, but a diploma from a known university administering online college courses would. The determining factor is whether or not the place you get the diploma from meets known State or Federal educational standards of accreditation.

You can read more on the subject at the Wiki link below.

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14y ago

yes you can join the marines with a diploma you got off the interenet as lomg as you have a highschool diploma the marines will take you in, as long as u meet the requirements.

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What online Deploma does the US army let you join?

You must have a GED or HS Diploma to join the United States Army.

What percentage of school leavers join the army?

The percentage of school leavers who join the army can vary depending on the country and specific circumstances. In the United States, for example, less than 1% of high school graduates typically choose to enlist in the military each year.

is ther a program for adults over the age of 25yrs to get thier hs diploma?

There are plenty of options were you can get your HS diploma. You can get it online or you can get it in any adult vocational schools that are located in your state for little or no cost to you.

What do you call a person holding a diploma cert?

HS graduate. Diploma is HS only-degrees are after.

How do you join marines with GED and no college credits should i call every recruiting station around and try to convince them?

Marine capital "M". And you don't. If you don't have a HS diploma or GED w/ college cred then your best bet is to finish HS and get your diploma. Semper Fi Devil Pup!

Is an iep diploma consiterd a high school diploma when filling out a job application?

no, its not IEP diploma is not equivalent to a HS Diploma or GED.

Should i go in to 19d mos im 17 and im thinking about skippin out on the rest of school for the cav scouts i got one more year what should i do?

You need a HS diploma to join.

How old must you be to get into college?

They don't have a minimum age as many attend that are still in HS, but you need permission from your HS or equivalent of a Diploma.

How Can I get into film school at 33 if my online HS diploma is not accredited and I have never been to college?

Ask the college you want to go to. Most community colleges do allow people to attend without a high school diploma. You could take the GED and get your high school diploma. Your unaccredited high school diploma isn't worth much.

Can you enlist with a GED?

The military used to look at a GED as a HS diploma-equivalent, but now you would be lucky to be accepted with one. In the Coast Guard, and possibly Air Force, you won't be accepted.

How many credits do you need to get in the army?

Normally, at least a GED. HS diploma preferred.

Bronx ny job that hiring with no exp or hs or GED diploma?

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