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dependas on the case and how far apart they are.. i had to misdameanors both Mary Jane charges in o3 and o4 and have a GED and i joined at the end of 09. i got lucky but now im sure GED they wont take

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Q: Can you join the navy with a misdemeanor?
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No you can not.

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It depends on if you were charged at the misdemeanor or felony level. If it was the former, then you can apply for a waiver. If it was a felony, then you can request to have it reduced to a misdemeanor, so long as you did not serve prison time. Probation does not affect this. If the charges are reduced, then you can apply for the waiver. You should talk to a Navy recruiter for more details.

It is possible to join merchant navy after 10?

You have to be at least 16 to join the Merchant Navy.

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Who do you contact to join the Navy?

A navy Recruiter.

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Is 44 years old to old to join the Navy?

The cutoff age to join the Navy is 35.

Can you enroll in the air force with a misdemeanor of possession of paraphenilia?

Yes, you can still join the Air force with a misdemeanor of possession of paraphernalia. You can not join any branches of the military if you have been charged with a felony.

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Can you join the merchant navy when you are 30 years of age?

i domt think so at this age you can't join merchant navy