

Can you keep a corn snake in a netted enclosure?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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it may slip out of the net. So no.

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Q: Can you keep a corn snake in a netted enclosure?
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How do you raise corn snake?

According to several sources, it is relatively easy to keep a corn snake as a pet. They are docile, easy to care for snakes. Owners must make sure that they have a simple enclosure which is inescapable, and be willing to feed the snake mice, as it is a carnivorous snake.

What tank should you keep your snake in?

If you intend to keep a snake, then you should make the tank, vivarium or enclosure as large as possible. As a brief guide, always make sure your snake has enough space in his/her enclosure to be able to stretch out fully uncoiled. If your snake cannot be at full stretch inside the enclosure, then the enclosure is too small ! Also snakes like to climb, so giving them height as well as width will also make them happier. Hope this helps. Cornsnake Kid.

Can you keep dogs and snakes together?

If, by 'together' you mean keeping them both in the same enclosure - then no ! Either the dog will eat the snake - or vice-versa if the snake is a big one !

Can you keep a male and female adult corn snake in the same tank?

if you would like baby corn snakes then yes

Is it elligal to keep an aconda as a pet?

Probably. Most people keep lots of wild animals that they should not keep. Do whats right. Don't keep an anaconda as a pet. Keep a smaller snake, like a corn snake. hope this helps.

Can you put any other type of snake in with your royal python?

no try to keep the same type of snakes in the same enclosure's if you have to. but most snakes are solitary animals.

What is more viscous a corn snake or royal python?

They are both considered very docile snakes, they are great for beginners however corn snakes are easier to keep than royal pythons. As for them being aggressive, it just depends on the snake, you could have a very tame and docile corn or you could have an aggressive one, likewise with the royal python.

Why do people keep the shed of a snake at home?

Some people keep a shed of a snake at home as a natural curiosity or for educational purposes. Shed skins can also be used for crafts or artistic projects. Additionally, keeping a shed skin can serve as a reminder of the snake's growth and health.

Should pet snakes always be kept in a tank?

You can keep a snake in any enclosure.... provided (a) it cannot 'accidentally' escape, (b) it retains heat to the correct temperature for the reptile and (c) it's safe enough for the snake (secure from 'nosey' kids that might set it free) !

Should you let your corn snake swim in the bath tube?

This is a great idea make sure to make the water about 85 degrees, It will help the snake relax his bowels this is a great way to help your snake digest its food to keep it from getting impacted, It also helps them shed.

Can you keep 2 male baby corn snake in the same tank when their babies and when their adults?

Yes and No! If you have two snakes of the same size, and the same gender, it's OK. If you have a larger snake, it will eat or seriously stress the smaller snake. If you keep a male and a female together, make sure that they are at least 2-3 feet long, and relatively the same size.

Can Snakes be good pets and is it legal to have a snake as a pet?

How much room do you have? How much money do you have? No lizard will act like a puppy, but most are cool to keep. Iguanas are popular and easy to care for, but they get big. Geckoes are cool but they get out if you're not careful. Talk to a pet store and see what will work for you as far as easy to care for and size - some lizards get large.