

Can you keep a hamster and 2 rabbits together?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Don't put a hamster in with rabbits. While they're likely to ignore each other, there is still the potential that the hamster may get kicked or trampled accidently.

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Q: Can you keep a hamster and 2 rabbits together?
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Just keep waiting it will happen.

Can you put a rabbit in a hamster wheel?

At one time, I had 2 hamsters, 2 rabbits and a G. Pig, and I would let all of them out of the cage at once. The rabbits didn't seem to mind my dwarf hamster too much, and my syrian hamster used to sit on my rabbit's back and she didn't mind him. It all depends on your animals personalities. If your rabbit is laid back, or docile, then they are more likely to 'play with' or tolerate the hamster then a skittish or aggressive rabbit would be. And a docile hamster or a hamster that doesn't bite often would be less likely to spook or anger the rabbit. Also, if your rabbit is large (mine were dwarfs) keep an eye out for your hamster, just incase your rabbit might accidentally step on or crush your hamster.

Can you keep 2 female rabbits together if 1 is ready to have babies?

Yes, you can leave them together, but the pregnant female rabbit will eat her babies when they are born. So, you probably shouldn't leave them together.

Will the guine pig and hamster fight if you have had the hamster longer?

Don't put your GP and hamster together period! Even if you had Your hamster longer its irrelevant they still fight ! Plz DO NOT them together for there sake!! The GP will probably kill the Hamster !! trust me i have 3 GPs and 2 hamsters!!

Is it better to have 2 female rabbits together or 2 males?

2 females

Rabbits do well single?

They're happier if they have a friend! If you put 2 female rabbits together they tend to make friends but if you put 2 males together they usually fight.

Should you keep 2 pregnant rabbits in the same hutch?

NO. They will fight.

How do you deliver baby rabbits?

To breed rabbits, put one male and one female together in a different cage. They have to be at least 6 months old and no older than 2 1/2 years. Keep them in the cage for about 3 hours and then remove them. In weeks you will start noticing she is larger!

Why do groups keep together?

they keep together 2 achieve goals

Do female rabbits get along with other female rabbits?

Female rabbits normally do, if you're putting two female rabbits together it's best if you get two sisters. It's hard to tell until you put them together really, but it's best to put them together while they're still young.

Can you put a winter white hamster with a German fancy hamster?

no one of could get bit hamsters are solitary unless you put 2 femals you dwarfs together

Who does the angora rabbit interact with?

It should interact with humans to collect more TRUST from them. Also 2 female spayed rabbits or 2 nuetered male rabbits can be put together for company. Rabbits are social animals and need a buddy.