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Of course! You can keep a horse and a goat in the same field. It is common to use a goat as a companion animal for horses as long as the goat does not have horns.

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Q: Can you keep a horse and a goat in the same field?
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a normal horse Answer2: A male horse typically looks like any other horse, especially if it is a gelding and has not developed stallion like characteristics. Stallions of course have slight outward differences, they tend to be more muscular than mares or geldings, they sometimes develop a more cresty neck and deeper vocalizations.

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The capital one goat is an Alpine goat and the Aflac goat is a Nubian.

Is goat milk the same as sheep milk?

No. A goat is not a sheep. A sheep is not a goat.

Can a sheep live happily with a horse without other sheep?

Horses and sheep can definatley live in the same field together, and wouldn't bother each other at the slightest. I had a 3 horses that lived with a herd of sheep before, and they all got on great!

When you catch your horse and take him out the field the other horse there follows so you always get trapped what should you do?

I recommend that when you are taking your horse out, then to place the other horse where your field gate swings in, forcing the horse to walk backwards and away from you and your horse. ( I have had the same problem and this method always seems to work for me. ) I hope this helped. Good luck :)

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about the same as women kinda