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yes you can it just they will breed together.

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Q: Can you keep orandas and ryukins as tankmates?
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Are there different types of goldfish?

There is a variety of goldfish from fantails, ryukins, moors, ribbontail, veiltail, orandas, bubbleeye, telescope, common, koi, comets, just to name a few.

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How do you take care of an oranda fish?

hi, i have a pond here at home and i have 4 orandas plus many carps. they are very delicate fish and they are prone to red spots but if you keep their water clean and they are properly aerated and with good supply of food, you'll do just fine and enjoy their beauty. They, together with other goldfishes like shubunkins, ryukins, etc, are dirty fishes. They dirt so much, more than carps. One of my orange cap is sick and I'm giving them all treatment. Salt plus a medicine over the counter in your average petshop will do. ok, i have to feed my fish and dogs. if you want to chat, here's my email address

How do you tell if oranda goldfish is pregnant?

Orandas, or any other type of goldfish are egg laying fish, so they do not get pregnant

Can you keep different kinds of goldfish in one tank?

Aslong as it has enough room and filtration many types of goldfish can be kept together. There are some cases where problems occur as such as the case with Sarassas and Orandas. Sarassas will tend to nibble at the cap of the Oranda causing damage.

Can a molly be with a platy?

Yes! Because they are both livebearers, they are great tankmates for each other and can happily live in the same tank. Other good compatible tankmates would be swordtails and guppies, which are also livebearers. Livebearers tend to stick together and can be the perfect set up for a community aquarium.

Tankmates for fancy goldfish?

The best and only good tank mate for fancy goldfish, are other fancy goldfish.

How many oranda goldfish in 55 gal?

Since an oranda is classified as a fancy variety, you can put 4 Orandas on a 55 gallon tank.

Can you put a algae eater in with a carp to help keep the tank clean?

No it will eat a bit of algae but it certainly won't be capable of cleaning the tank. The amount it eats will depend on how long it takes before the turtle kills/eats the algae eater.

What fish should you keep in your ten gallon aquarium?

just some background on what i was thinking. i was thinking 2 sparkiling gouramis, 2 licorice gouramis and 3-4 panda Cory catfish. would these work? if not can you suggest other options. i realy want to get sparkiling gouramis, so if you could suggest other tankmates for it if the ones i suggest don't work. thanks

Can plecostamus go with orandas?

No. There are over 800 different species of Pleco, all of which are tropical fish and huge waste producers. Orange Goldfish are coldwater, and also huge waste producers, so you can only imagine the mess that would end up in that tank. Also, some species of Pleco will not touch algae or veges and may decide to suck off the slime coat from the Orandas, leaving the Goldfish open to infections and parasites. Once a Pleco gets a taste for slime coat, it gets addicted! So no Plecos with Goldfish!

Do angelfish eat other fish?

They are a semi-agressive and predatory cichlid. Their natural food in the wild is small fish like NEON TETRASKeep them with other fish of a similar size, smaller tankmates will get chewed up.