

Can you keep snails as pets?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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16y ago

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In case you'll decide to do so, here are some good tips.. and may i suggest a name?? i think "shbi" is a nice one :) Yael, - Learn Anything. On Video. Yes but don´t let them get out or they will be hard to find and eventually die in your house. Feed them fresh lettuce wash it and give it to them with drops of water on it. Never ever give them anything salty or they will die. No salad dressing, nothing but fresh greens. I have kept slugs and snails as pets.....a large jar fishbowl with screen across the top or an aquarium work great and the can even be held an petted but make sure your hands are clean and not sweaty the salt and whatnot can burn their skin. They will often "nibble" at your skin and it feels much like a tiny tiny kitten tougue. This is because they are actually grating away dead skin with the rasp that they chew with, it is a bony plate with around 27.000 little teeth on it.

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16y ago
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12y ago

It`s easy to have a pet snail. First, catch one. You will need a home for it. Use a 5 or 10 gallon tank with a screen, or basically a plastic tank. Just make sure there are air holes, but not big enough for the snail to get out. For warm seasons, just put food and snail. They eat lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, and basically any leaf or green from the garden. Never use iceberg. During colder weather, put some dirt (don't fill the tank. Just like a quarter of the tank fill.) Avoid putting dirt with bugs/insects, because they may eat or harm the snail. You can put worms in. Worms will eat the poop and keep the dirt loose. You can put dirt for warm weather, but it`s a harder job to clean. Take your snail outside on nice days. Let it crawl around outside(but watch it). And, that`s how to care for a pet snail. It`s easier than an animal from the pet store or something. By the way, snails aren't bugs or insects. A snail is a mollusk.

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13y ago

Of course snails can be pets! In fact, I am taking care of two kinds of pets currently right now. Aquarium snails are quite enjoyable, like Mystery snails, and are quite pretty. But they let out a lot of chemical waste, and you will need a good filter. Also, those everyday garden snails outside in your backyard or frontyard are very cute too (if you are okay with kind of slimy stuff)! They are a bit dirty too, but you just have to clean their cage once in one or two weeks. They are exceptionally cute (to me) when they climb all over my hand and stuff! To get these free pets, just go out any rainy day and scour your back or front yard!

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14y ago

Yes, snails are popular pets! I love snails!

Sure, you can, but you can't just keep them in a tiny pot with nothing in it, you need to keep them in a tin, with air holes in, with compost in, the tin needs to be 6 inches in height, and there needs to be 2 inches of compost/soil. There needs to be ornaments, fresh fruit, such as, cucumbers, apples, and carrots. Make sure there's a bowl of shallow water, for it to drink and bathe in, make it SHALLOW so it won't drown, about 3 ml. Last of all, clean it out every week, take the snail out, put it in a different box or plastic container, or tin. Then take everything out, change the water, put different compost in, put everything else back in, and you're done. Make sure you always have a measuring tape handy to measure 2 inches of compost. If you havent got a tape measure, visit you're nearest superstore, or visit:

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12y ago

Of course! You can easily buy these at local pet stores for a few dollars. However, these are normally bought by people with established marine tanks or who have some experience in the hobby. Without an established tank, it will probably be hard to maintain the correct water parameters, cycle the water, and, in general, provide the snail with what it needs.

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15y ago

Snails are great pets!!! I have on and he died and i am getting another one today!! They are great if you have fish or frogs! If your just keep snails then grow alge! I hope I helped!!!

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11y ago

Yes you can.

I just caught 3 this morning and I am trying to breed them now.

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11y ago

Yes, although it is much harder to raise.

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In Britain you are allowed to keep Giant African Snails as pets however it is illegal to release the snails or their eggs into the wild as they are considered pests.

Can snail be cept as pets?

Snails can be kept as pets.

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Giant African Land Snails (or GALS) get much, much bigger. Garden snails are legal to have in the USA but it is illegal to keep GALS in the USA. GALS serves as a major crop problem but most all Snails (if not all snails) make great pets!

Is it illegal to keep garden snails as pets?

no it is not illegal but it depends were ur going to keep them and make sure u giv them fresh food and water every day :)

Are snails mean at times?

of course not silly! snails are gentle and friendly. they are harmless and make very good pets

Can you keep a family of snails jus found in the garden how would i contain them with household equipment?

Well i have some garden snails as pets and i put them in a fish tank so if you buy a fish tank then you can put them in there thanks for the question! xXx holly

Do snails eat tomato?

Yes. Snails eat any fruit or vegetables that are NOT acidic. Source: I have 6 snails in captivity as pets

What do land snails as pets like to live in?

i have snails and i just use a bucket and feed them a couple leaves of lettuce and any fruit such as grapes.

Through what part of its body does a snail breathe?

snails breath out carbon dioxide as any other human or animal.

How often does a snail change shells?

Snails don't change their shells. Unlike crustaceans, molluscs like snails keep the same shell throughout their lifetime. The shell is formed from secretions from the snails mantle, the flesh under the shell, and some snails (such as the giant African snails kept as pets) can be seen running their mouths along the edge of their shells, to build up another layer on the shells lip. The stripes that make up the pattern of a snails shell are the result of different compositions of shell material at different times.

Can you keep them as pets?

yes u can keep them as pets as long as you tame them