

Can you keep two females rabbits together?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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NO, NO, rabbits are very territorial and they will fight. Every rabbit needs it's own cage (space). Read other peoples answers to the same question .

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Q: Can you keep two females rabbits together?
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you can not keep two males together

Can two male rabbits have babies together?

It is usually not advised to keep two male rabbits together, especially if there are females nearby. However, if the pair are acquired together as youngsters, like littermates, and neutered before they reach sexual maturity, the chances for successful cohabitation greatly increases.

What are the playful signs of two female rabbits playing?

Two females play together much in the same way that all rabbits play together. If rabbits are fighting, you should separate them. If rabbits are playing happily, then they are probably "bonded." See the related questions below for details.

Can 2 rabbits of same sex live in same houseing?

It depends, if it is two males, maybe, IF one is already established dominant, the other might just back down, but in other hands it might challenge that one. So, I would keep a close on if two male rabbits are together. If it is two females they will be perfectly fine together.

How many rabbits is it best to keep?

Two is the best to keep but they have to be the same gender. It is best to keep two rabbits so they can clean each other and they can play with each other and so they can stay together when there is danger. It is best to have two rabbits from the same family.

Do you have to keep your two females rabbits that have just started fighting apart all the time?

Female rabbits will only fight if there's a male rabbit present.

Are two mini lop rabbits better in a hutch if they are two girls or two boys?

Females are better together, as even neutered brothers will at times fight

Can i put two males and two females adult bunnies in the same cage so yea total of 2 couples or should i keep every pair separate?

keep them separated in less you want a house full of rabbits.

Should you keep your guinea pig and chinchilla together?

NO. Do not put these two animals together. Chinchillas should be kept with other chinchillas and guinea pigs can go with rabbits under supervision.

Can you buy a 1 year old bunny rabbit that is friendly to other bunny rabbits the same age?

You can pair up pet rabbits. It is best not to have two males in the same cage. Either get two females, or a male and a female. Having the rabbits spayed and neutered will increase the chances that they will get along. Keep a close eye on them for the first several days, and introduce them slowly.

Can i keep two lots of baby rabbits which one litter is 35 days and the other is 3 days together in a CAGE?

at this age babies should be with there mother not away!!

Might two male rabbits pull fur off each other or would that mean one's a female?

Two male rabbits may well pull fur off each other. No matter the sex of the rabbits, this is aggressive behaviour: fighting. (Females tend to pull fur off themselves for their nests, not other rabbits.) You should separate the rabbits because fighting can lead to serious injuries, as well as emotional trauma. Only rabbits that are bonded should be allowed together. See the related questions below for more info.