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You could........but you run the risk of allowing your mouse to escape; they can gnaw through just about anything. Also that might not be an adequate amount of space. and there would be no space for a wheel; a wheel is an essential in any mouse home. Try the link marked petco and the one marked petsmart for more adequate housing. = )

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Q: Can you keep your mouse in a 2 liter ice cream box?
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Who invented the mouse?

mouse is invented like a box that have a button

I rescued a mouse from my cat and its very cold and dark out he may be ill what would be the best solution if it is keeping him through the night what is a suitable way or should I let him go?

It is best to keep keep the little mouse somewhere warm overnight, maybe in a box with air holes and pieces of cloth in it and place that in an airing cupboard or under a lamp. Then take the mouse tot the vet as soon as possible. They will be able to either nurse the little guy back to health or if need be put it to sleep. Try putting him in a box, with old clothes or something to keep it warm, keep box in a safe warm and quiet place with a little food and water, but be prepared that the mouse may end up dying anyway due to shock. Good Luck.

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There is a possibility your baby caught ringworm from your cat. Keep your baby away from your cat's liter box.

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Ask your parents to drive u 2 the pet store and say it's for a school project. Quickly buy all the supplies including a tiny box of liter.(use a box for liter box) keep cat (find a stray that needs a home) in a place no one can find. This will probally only last a year, unless you get lucky.

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The mice were hidden in the box. or,The mice were hidden in the boxes.

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How many ounces of cream cheese are in a typical box of cream cheese?

8 oz

How much does a box of ice cream costs?

it would cost like $4 dollars or more

How do you clear your chat box on Facebook?

There is an exit on the side of the box and it only show when your mouse is on it and then click it.

What is box and mouse plot useful for?

It's actually called a box and whisker, and it is useful for numbers.

What type of noun is box or mouse?

The noun box is a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for a thing. The noun mouse is a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for a thing.