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yes it is possible.

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Q: Can you kill a squirrel with a co2 pistol that shoots up to 480fps?
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Can a squirrel kill chicks?

yes a squirrel can kill a baby chicken

Can a goat kill a squirrel?

Possibly if it stood on the squirrel or headbutted it into a tree.

Is it legal to kill a squirrel in novomber?

It is only legal to kill a squirrel for hunt in the spring season. This would be known as squirrel season and small game is fair game. If you accidentally kill a squirrel in a non spring season it will be ok because you are not intentionally hunting them.

Can a 94 mm pistol kill a zombie?

Zombies are not real but they if they were that 94 mm pistol would kill it

What had cousin joshua done in to kill a mockingbird?

Cousin Joshua did not directly appear in "To Kill a Mockingbird." However, there is an incident where Cousin Joshua shoots at a black character in the book. This event is arguably a reference to Bob Ewell's attempt to harm Atticus Finch in the story.

What does execute with a pistol mean?

Either to kill with a pistol or hit said target with a pistol. It basically means use a pistol.

Will a tree squirrel kill aground squirrel?

Most likely not. Tree squirrels and ground squirrels live separate lives, and do not usually even bother each other, let alone kill each other. However, it is possible for a squirrel to do so, tree squirrels will most likely remain tranquil and not kill another squirrel.

Can the crosman 1088 kill a squirrel?

Yes but it is best to make it a head shot, or the squirrel will suffer and die.

How do porcupines kill squirrel monkeys?

by their spiky hairs

Can a Jack Russell kill a squirrel?

yes they can, but you can train it not to!

Can a squirrel kill chickens?

Only if you give it a knife

Can a squirrel be tie dyed?

I suppose, if you were to bleach and then color its hide... but for that, you'd have to kill it. (MY OPINION) yes a squirrel can, my friend has done it but only its tail or u would have to kill it.