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Any type of spray you can use yourself in an attempt to get rid of bedbugs will give you "disappointing" results at best. Though it costs some money, to truly eradicate bedbugs if they have infested your home, is a job for professional exterminators.

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12y ago
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14y ago

I sprayed it on a bed bug and it died. I just bought it. I am not sure how it does long term. I will keep you posted. have you tried it yet?

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11y ago

You cannot kill a bed bug with flea spray because it a bed bug not a flea. Also you cannot prevent bed bug bites with bug repellent.

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Q: Can you kill bedbugs with flea sprays?
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Petstores sell anti flea sprays especially made for small animals.

ARE bedbugs green?

Well no, bedbugs are a brownish-redish like a house cockroach but they are smaller kinda like a flea ;)

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If it was a strong enough solution, but if it was strong enough to work would also damage surfaces. There are readily available sprays that will do it without the damage.

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Where can you purchase flea defoggers and sprays at a local store?

You can purchase them,most likely,in the Pet isle.I'd actually recommend a flea shampoo,because those tend to last longer than sprays.

Will paint thinner kill bed bugs?

Paint thinner is a flammable liquid. Using it to kill bedbugs is more likely to burn down your house. There are sprays made for bedbugs. Bedding can be washed, and dried at high temperatures (heat kills them on bedding). If you do not have a dryer, after drying bedding on the clothesline, place it in a black plastic bag, leave bag in the sun for a day.


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Can you get rid of fleas?

Yes. While you may never get rid of all the fleas in all life cycles you can do many things that will help you rid your home of fleas. Adult fleas are the only stage of flea that bites and sucks blood. If you have pets in your home, treat them first with Advantage or Frontline, some type of medical flea deterrent applied to the skin. Frequently bathe your pet in warm soapy water. You can use flea shampoo but follow directions and be careful with this. You should vacuum your carpet several times a week, paying attention to corners. this will kill the larvae and ovum stages of the flea. Pet bedding and human bedding such as sheets in hot water and dry in the dryer. This will kill all flea stages on your bedding. You can use home flea sprays on carpets and bedding but be careful as some of these are very toxic. Follow directions to the letter to avoid toxic exposure. Do not inhale flea sprays or treatments.

What poison kills bedbugs?

There are several types of poisons that kill bedbugs. As of 2014 over the counter insect ides that treat bedbugs. These include Nixalite and Nuvan Pro Strips.

Will liquid nitrogen kill bedbugs?

i think so doesnt it kill just about every thing?

What can kill vaginal odor?

You can get sprays and powders that can help with that

Does flea treatment for cats also kill worms?

No, flea treatments are only designed to kill the infestation of outside parasites. In order to kill worms, a dewormer has to be administered.