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Most people who have the ability for Psychokinesis already are aware of that ability, and studies of brain activity in those that do have it show heightened activity in the brain areas normally not as active in most of us. Typically the ability involves heightened brain activity and an elevated electromagnetic field that the body normally generates. Thermal pictures seem to indicate that those with the ability can manipulate their fields at will, both directionally and in varying degrees of intensity as required.

Declassified CIA and KGB files show that both countries were engaged in Psychic warfare, with the Soviets leading the way on more fronts since Russians are more open to such topics than Westerners (we "know" everything....). Nina Kuligina was the USSR's top PK subject, being studied by academics the last 20 years of her life. She was reportedly able to move objects with her hand, and slow the beating heart of an animal to a complete stop. While their are many skeptics, I still remember those who said we'd never make it to the Moon either - and that was in the '60's. 20 years before that, they said we'd never break the sound barrier. Bottom line is that anything is possible, and governments don't often spend millions on BS programs.

One successful psychic program run by the CIA, though not PK related, was Project Stargate, a Remote Viewing operation. Several of the projects members were so successful at being able to remote view into enemy areas not accessible by other means that vital information was obtained and used prior to many operations being launched, or Intel gathered prior to confirmation by other sources. The Soviets considered the top project viewer such an intelligence hazard they assassinated him, after he had successfully gleaned tons of Intel data by RV alone.

Project Stargate members speak of those who can use PK to bend spoons and other such things. Again, while there are skeptics, consider how people would react to the knowledge if they knew someone could literally kill or move objects with their mind. There are many things that the public doesn't know about, in large part because most people don't handle such information very well. It's okay if it's a possiblity, but if it's reality it's a different thing altogether.

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Q: Can you learn how to move things with your mind?
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How to move things with your mind?


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NO WAY, It is most impossible

Is it possable to move things with your mind?

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Yes, you learn new things and create your imagination.

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No it is not possible to move objects with your mind, you might see videos with people moving cups or bending spoons with what seems like just their mind. However, in reality it is not possible.

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With a psychology degree you will learn some key characteristics of the human mind and the actions caused by the mind. You will learn about disabilities, mental diseases, as well as addictions in people.

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Its belived that you can move things with your mind by some. But from i scientifique point of vue this is obserd, no proof has been found.

You can move things with your mind are you a jedi?

there are no such things as Jedi's, its a science finction character. However, there are people who do have the ability to move things with their minds, although Im pretty sure they dont refer to themselves as Jedi's