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NO,thats Grand Theft.

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Q: Can you legally go and take your car back after it has been repossessed?
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What are the consequences for taking your car back from a dealer after it has been repossessed?

Without proper permission (in writing) to take your car after it's been repossessed, it is considered stealing. Anything from jail time to a hefty fine. If it's been repo'd, it's not yours anymore.

What happens to the tags on a car when it has been repossessed?

They take out the personal belongings. This includes the tags. Check with the repo company or lender for that stuff back.

If you file for bankruptcy and your car is repossessed can a friend take a loan out for you to purchase a car?

Of course, it won't legally be your car however.

How many missed payments does it take for a car to legally be repossessed in Florida?

It depends on your juristiction. Most juristictions around the United States of America can legally repossess your vehicle if you're late on your payment by just 1 month.

How do you locate a vehicle that has been repossessed?

IF you have a legal interest in it, you call THE LENDER. They can tell you what you need to know. but they wont until you pay.... you might go take YOUR car back..beat the repoman

Your car was repossessed and is now parked in a public place can you take it back?

Not without being a car thief.

What will happen if you take back a car that was repossessed especially if they can't prove that you took the car back?

you will go to jail for auto theft when they catch you.

Can a car that a husband used as collateral to buy a van that was repossessed be seized by the lender if the car was awarded to the wife when the couple divorced?

You will have to take it up with the bank who repossessed the van. Since the car belongs to you, they should not be able to take it away from you. The laws may vary state-by-state. Talk to your divorce attorney to be sure you are protected. * Legally the vehicle could be seized if a deficiency remains after the repossessed van has been sold. This is possible because the transaction was made during the marriage and terms included in a divorce have no bearing on valid lending agreements.

If your car has been repossessed what kind of payment will they take to get it back Will they accept check credit or only cash Do you have to pay in full or will they take half 800 behind?

If a car is repossessed it is usually up to the creditor, what terms and conditions have to be met to get the car back. Included with all the payments missed, there might also be fees like towing, late fees, etc. The creditor is probably going to want all of this paid up front to get the car back.

Can a person who had a vehicle repossessed take the vehicle back and it not be criminal in Washington State?

Probably not. You'd have to ask an attorney.

Can YOUR car be repossessed when you object?

Yes. the title to car car remains with the bank or finance company. Legally they can take possession for lack of payment at any time regardless of your wishes.

Can some promise to give something and then take it back legally?
