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Q: Can you let you turtle's aquarium in your airconditioned room at night?
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yes keeping

How do you put red-eared sliders to bed?

They will go to sleep at night by themselves, if you make it dark enough. You just turn the aquarium's UV lamp off, and dim the lights in the room, and in a little while the turtles will go to sleep.

Does air come into the room from the outside?

Yes, unless you have a completely sealed off room that only gets airconditioned air.

What will happen when a bag of cement is placed in airconditioned room?

It will last longer before it goes hard because the room is less humid.

Why don't we perspire in an airconditioned room?

Because our body gets a High temperature. So the sweat glands will not come to out body

What are the measurements of Bill Gates' living room aquarium?

The aquarium discussed on the Internet with the whale and sharks is a 3D aquarium wallpaper.

How do you beat escape the aquarium room?

by a horse

If goldfish is kept in aquarium what is the temperature of water required?

Just leave the aquarium at room temperature.

Can you use mosquito repellent liquidators or mats in an air conditioned room?

Mosquito coils can not be used in airconditioned rooms,but plugins have shown to produce no adverse or teratogenic effects in airconditioned rooms. A number of studies have proved this. However it can cause moderate to severe side effects in closed non-ventilated rooms.

Can you put 2 aquarium in dining room?


How do you do a survey quest on happy aquarium?

It will pop up when you visit sometimes and it will say needs a home or you can have it if you have room it your aquarium.

Are turtles cool?

Yes they are, or at least room temperature.