

Can you like My Little Pony and not be a brony?

Updated: 1/15/2022
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9y ago

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If it helps, think of it this way..."Can you like Star Trek and not be a Trekkie?" Of course! The term Brony is just a label as saying this person is a fan of the show. Just because you like it, doesn't mean you have to be a dedicated fan. And it goes the other way too though. If you want, you can still consider yourself a brony.

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Q: Can you like My Little Pony and not be a brony?
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A brony is an adult or teenage fan (usually male) who is a fan of the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A military brony is a brony in the military.

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A brony is an adult or teenage fan (usually male) who is a fan of the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A military brony is a brony in the military.

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No. There is no evidence to suggest that Jusin Bieber is a brony.

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No. There have been no references to My Little Pony in any Sonic game or other media.

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My little pony was made for girls, but there are still many boys out there who also love the show. They are called a brony. Yes, a girl could be a brony, but the term is usually referring to guys. They have created websites and chat rooms for boys who like the show. And there is nothing wrong with this. It's perfectly fine if a guy wants to watch my little pony. That doesn't mean they are gay, it just means they like it. So never bother any guy who likes it. Life is not suposed to judge on what you are suposed to like by your sex. It should be by who YOU are, and what YOU like. In fact, I admit that I am a brony. And I'm proud of it. It's actually very common.

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A mobro could refer to a Mormon Brony, since it is a combination of "Mormon" and "brony". This is unofficial, and my only source is that I am Mormon and have heard mormons use this term, even I've started using it to describe myself, since I am also a brony. If you don't know what a brony is, it's a person outside of the target audience group who watches My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Brony is the combination of the words Brother and Pony.

Should you become a brony?

There is nothing saying you should or shouldn't. That is a personal decision. Brony is just a term meaning "a fan of my little pony" just as a Trekkie is a fan of star-trek. You can still like the show without actually being a brony. Or, you can be called one, and get into the fandom. It's up to you.

What rhymes with brony?

Words that rhyme with brony: pony phony Tony boney Coney Sony

Do unicorn and bronies make uninies or brocorns?

Nope. Still just a brony. My little Pony, consist of Earth Ponies, Pegusi, and Unicorns. All of them being liked, makes you a brony.

Why do you personally like the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?

Well it has great, not cheesy plot, beautiful animation and colors, good character distinctions, and it lt's cool to be a brony!! /)

Are you gay if you're a brony?

No. Being a Brony (a male fan of "My Little Pony") doesn't mean you are gay. There are gay, bi and straight Bronies. Don't worry!