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Opening 1: "Melissa" by Porno Graffiti

Opening 2: "READY, STEADY, GO!" by L'Arc~en~ciel

Opening 3: "Undo" by Cool Joke

Opening 4: "Rewrite" by Asian Kung-fu Generation

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Q: Can you list the title of the opening songs of first anime fullmetal achemist?
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What is the name of the anime that combines Fullmetal Alchemist and naruto?

there isn't a anime that combines fullmetal alchemist and naruto, because first of all they don't combine animes, and there not alike at all.

When was full metal alchemist created?

The Fullmetal Alchemist manga began its serialization on July 12, 2001. The first series anime, "Fullmetal Alchemist," began on October 4, 2003 and the second series anime, "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood," began on April 5, 2009.

Could Dante from the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime have a counterpart in the manga and Brotherhood continuity?

Since both the manga and Brotherhood anime series have completed, no.

Where do you watch full metal achemist in English dubbed?

I know plays the first series in english, you just have to go under their anime list, and then scroll to f, then it should be located there.

Does wrath in the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime have a real name and if so what is it?

Sorry, I guess he never got a name

What happens after the first movie of Fullmetal Alchemist?

The movie, "The Conqueror of Shamballa", marks the end of the anime series. There is no evidence as to what happens next.

What is the next series after full metal alchemist?

There is only one real Fullmetal Alchemist. The first anime that has been made is different from the original story. The main schme is the same, but the are only view times when it goes along with the manga. Now they made a new version of the anime called "Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood" which follows the manga story. You can watch the episodes from youtube couple days after the Japanese relase. New episode comes weekly and they have made 28 episodes until now.

Which episode of Fullmetal Alchemist did they first meet Dr Marcoh in?

The brothers first meet Dr. Marcoh in episode 14 in the first series anime and episode 6 in Brotherhood.

What anime series got you to love anime?

The first anime I ever watched was Dragon Ball when I was a kid, it used to come on the TV. I didn't understand the concept but I liked the fighting. But after growing up, I watched Fullmetal Alcehmist: Brotherhood. And after finishing that, I was HOOKED and still am!

What is the title of fairytail first opening?

If you mean, Fairy Tail, the anime, the title of the first opening would be "Snow Fairy"

Do Ed and Al see each other again?

**Spoiler!!** From the first series of Fullmetal Alchemist (not Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) there is a movie called Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa. Edward is in Munich, Germany (our world) while Alphonse is in Amestris (their world) and eventually they come to meet again.

Did Envy start the war in Ishval in the anime and the manga or was it just the Manga If she didn't start the war in Ishval than who did?

HE started the war in Ishval in the manga and the second (2009) anime, FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. In the first anime it is never stated for sure, only that it was run by the Homunculi.