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Q: Can you loose your liqur licence serving minor?
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Is a 16 year old allowed to buy a car in Florida if he has the money?

AnswerOnly if the minor holds a valid drivers licence, Otherwise no, If they do have a valid licence they will need to get on they're parents insurance.

Can a minor serve drinks at a private party?

No. It is against regulation for a minor to be in possession of alcoholic beverages and minors can be arrested for serving alcohol if they are caught.

Why do minor parties usally loose elections?

This is an assumption you have made and it isn't always true.

How much the fine for a server for serving liquor to a minor is between?

$1000 to $10000 depending on the circumstances.

What is the fine for selling alcohol to a minor in Mississippi?

loose your liquor license, many thousands in fines.

What is the maximum jail time you can receive for serving a minor alcohol?

10-20 yrs depending on the cuircumstances

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Can one parent get in trouble by other parent by signing marriage licence for minor?

Since it requires both signatures, how would there be any trouble, as there would be no marriage.

WHAT WILL Happen if you are a minor a you drive without a licence in GA?

You'll get a ticket - probably an appearance in Juvenile Court - you will probably have your ability to obtain a 'legal' license delayed.

Can parents get in trouble for giving alcohol to their own child?

Yes. It would be child endangerment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, serving alcohol to a minor and any number of charges, depending on the state, province or country in question.

Can a 21 year old get into trouble for serving liquor to a underage person in their home?

Yes. They would be contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and that's a crime.

Is endangering a minor a felony or a misdemeanor?

If you are charged with serving alcohol to a minor, it is probably a misdemeanor. You need to talk to a local attorney to be sure and to help with your case.