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No, you're going to hurt yourself if you only eat 100 calories a day. The way to do it is to slowly decrease the amount of calories you have each day. For a few days eat 1500 calories..Then a few more days eat 1250...Slowly work your way down. A dramatic calorie change will result in fat (actually making you gain weight).

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Q: Can you lose more weight eating 100 calories daily and taking supplements and b12 shots and burning 1000 calories for 1 week than 6 weeks of 600 calories daily - or will you hurt yourself?
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What burns calories faster walking than eating or eating than walking?

Walking then eating if you eat first then you feel worse than when you walk first burning more calories.

How much weight can you lose in a week eating 1500 calories a day?

It all depends on how much exercise you are putting in and how many calories you are burning.

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Yes You can lose weight eating anything as long as you are burning more calories than you are taking in.

Im a 5'9 male and weigh 170lbs is burning 1100 calories a day bad for me should i slow down or burn more?

It depends on how many calories you are eating per day, your age, and wheather or not you are trying to lose weight. If your eating 2900-3000 calories you should be fine, if your eating around 1500 calories then that's too much to burn.

What are the fat burning foods called?

It's all down to the calories. Staying alive uses up calories, eating and drinking stuff brings more calories into the body.If your lifestyle is using up more calories than you gain by eating and drinking, then the body will fill the gap by burning some stored fat instead - that's pretty much all there is to it.Any type of food and/or serving size that is low in calories will make the body switch to burning stored fat sooner.Any type of food that is high in caloriesand/or big serving sizes will make the body switch to burning stored fat later - if ever.

If you have been starving yourself for a long time and then suddenly eat 2000 calories will you gain weight?

You will gain weight much more rapidly if you start eating 2000 calories a day of you have been starving yourself beforehand. If you want to start eating a healthy amount of calories again you need to work up to it slowly, you should start eating a little more each day until you feel your eating enough. hope it helps (im no expert)

Can Obesity be genetic?

Obesity can be generic because obesity isn't always to do with eating to much and not burning of enough calories. A portion of obesity can be genetically mediated.

Why Eating better but gaining weight?

while you are eating better you're still eating too much. the average person needs only 2000 calories to maintain their weight. if you're getting over that and not burning them off you'll gain weight. for every 3500 extra calories you gain one pound of fat.

How do you get toned within weeks?

Basically you want your caloric intake to be less than what you are burning. I do interval work-outs for cardio and weight lifting. But really what is most important is eating foods high in fiber, drinking plenty of water and staying away from processed foods and sugar. DO NOT STARVE yourself...which will give you adverse effects...just make sure you are counting calories. Measure your food and add the calories for at least one full week so that you get a better idea of how many calories you are eating.

What is the quickest easiest way to lose 5 pounds without hurting yourself or eating up to 500 calories?

diet and exercise.

Does eating a baked potato and not the skin consume less or more calories?

Not eating the skin means that you are eating less calories.

Does eating a box of Wheat Thins a day make you gain weight?

Yes it does. A full box of wheat thins equals alot of calories which equals weight gain. Unless that is the only thing you are eating all day. Make the calories you eat equal the calories you burn everyday and you will remain the same weight. No particular food causes weight gain, it's just when you eat too much of it, it means you are probably eating more calories then you are burning that day!