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Generally, no. However, you have not provided any detail and there may be circumstances under which an unfit mother may lose custody to a step father who has been a stable parent to the child. You should speak with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.

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11y ago

If you end a relationship with the child's mother you are not losing visitation rights, you never had visitation rights. Visitation rights are granted by a court. If you and the child's mother were married and you had a long term relationship with the child, or if there are half-siblings of that child (your children with whom you do have visitation rights) the court may award visitation rights. You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues and who can review your situation and explain your options.

On the other hand, you can get visitation rights by a court order if you had legally adopted the child.

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