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Q: Can you love the same person again after falling out of love with them?
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What does it mean saying like falling in love again with the same person?

When someone says it seems like their 'falling in love with the same person" It can mean the people have like personalities or traits, things that attract you and you like about them. This can become problematic, however, if the person you seem to keep falling in love with all have the fact that their psychopathic killers in common. make sure your looking for the right things in guy[or girls] that you date or fall in love with so you dont keep repeating the same mistakes

Can people fall back into love?

Yes they can, with the same person, again and again and again. Until you find that one special person you are fully in love with. its all part of growing up.

Why do people fall in love if they know they will feel the same after person?

The falling in love part might come to a surprise to them and eventually give into the falling in love idea. Remember though, if they know that the same thing might happen as their past relationships then it's probably them wanting to try anyway and taking that chance.

What is the difference from falling for you and a crush?

A crush is typically something that younger folks have, and crushes tend to be 'lighter' than falling in love. For a young person, it can mean the same thing though, however falling in love has some pretty deep meanings that is taken MUCH more seriously. Hope this makes sense ok!

How do you if you are still in love with him?

The better question would be do you love yourself still? If you do then are you willing to possibly allow yourself to be hurt again by the same person. You have to love yourself before anyone else can love you.

Are falling even more in love with you and hangingn by a moment the same song?


What if you used to go out with him and you broke up and you fell in love with him again?

Then you need to tell him. If he feels the same, then you're a very lucky person.

How can I say love you to a person?

You can say "I love you" to a person when you feel like you do and when you get the feeling that the other person feels the same about you... But you have to be sure that you do love that person for love is a strong word as hate....

How do gays and lesbians fall in love?

Gays and lesbians fall in love in the same way that heterosexual people do - through building emotional connections, shared interests, and mutual attraction. Sexual orientation doesn't change the fundamental experience of falling in love.

Why are gay people falling into sex?

For the same reason everyone else is: love, attraction, physical need.

Does a guy love you if he asks you the same question again and again?

No. It may mean he is just insecure.

How do you marry the same person twice?

You can marry the person, then divorce that person, then marry that person again.