

Can you make a hermit crab move into another shell?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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no u dimwittt

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Q: Can you make a hermit crab move into another shell?
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What will make your hermit crab go fast?

Your hermit crab cam go fast depending on the whieght of the shell on the hermit crab. If the shell is light the speed of the crab will increase, if the shell is heavy on the crab the speed will decrease.

What is hermit crab shell fighting?

Hermit crab Fighting is when, One hermit crab wants the other hermit crabs shell and will force it out of the shell to get it, sometimes it leads to death or a teared off limb. So make sure you have enough shells in the container. At LEAST 3 extra shells per hermie

What happens if a hermit crabs shell get to little?

If your land hermit crab's shell gets to small get a new shell. The shell hole should be the same size as your crab's big claw or bigger Make sure your crab's new shell is clean. DO NOT FORCE YOU CRAB TO COME OUT! All you have to do is set your crab's new shell in it's cage and wait.

Can a hermit crab die from its shell breaking?

Congratulations! No need to rename it. It's the same hermit crab. It molted it's old skin! This means your hermit crab is perfectly healthy and can grow! Make sure you have a slightly bigger shell though. Leave it alone until it walks around and is very healthy.

How do hermit crabs make a new shell?

The shell that the hermit crab adopts and wears and changes many times throughout his decades long lifetime helps him in several ways. The hermit crab has a very delicate abdomen that is protected by the shell. Without this shell, his abdomen could become punctured very easily and the crab would die. The hermit crab also carries water in his shell to keep the abdomen moist. If it were to dry out, again, the hermit crab would die. The crab balances the salinity of the water within his shell by accessing fresh or salt water as needed. The shell is also his shelter, and protects him from predators. The ideal fitting shell will allow the hermit crab to pull fully inside and to block off the opening with his large pincer.

What will happen if your hermit crab shell brakes a little?

They say that a drop from about 3 feet can kill your hermit crab. If you dropped your hermit crab the first thing you should do is see if it's dead. It's body will look droopy and a dead hermit crab can start to smell like rotten fish. If your crab happeneds to still be alive but it's she'll is completely crAcked then gently scoop it up and put it into its cage with a bunch of shell options so they can pick a new shell.

Is your hermit crab a boy or a girl?

You can tell by looking underneath the third row of legs on your hermit crab. On a female Hermit crab, there are two small holes underneath the third row of legs. These holes are called "Gonopores". On a Male hermit crab there are no holes. To check-get your hermit crab out and hold it's shell up. Make sure the shell is facing towards the ceiling and the hermit crab's body is facing torwards the floor. while the hermit crab is dangling upsidown you are able to see underneath the legs where the gonopores might be. And remember: No gonopores=MALE.....gonopores=FEMALE Hope this helps! :)

What happens if a hermit crab gets out of its shell?

This happend to me once. I had a hermit crab for about 5 months and then its shell got too small for its body, so we had to buy a larger shell so it can go back in it. If it doesnt go back in it some how dehydrates.

What do you put in a sand crabs cage?

Sand of course! You will also need a sponge (forSTILLEDwater), a thermometer (for keeping track of the temperature to make sure your her hermits are safe), hermit crab food, if you want you can also put in accessories to make your hermit crabs feel at home, a dish for STILLED water (for your hermits to play in and keep cool), a bigger shell for your hermit crab to move into once he moves out of his old shell, and don't forget TO HAVE A FRIEND FOR YOUR OTHER HERMIE (and another shell)!!!

How do you get hermit crabs to come out of there shell?

You should not force a hermit crab completely out of their shell because they would rather die then be forced out of their shell But if you want to know how to make their legs and eyes and anntenue so they will walk around then you could try lifting up their shell or gently squirting them with a spritz bottle filled with dechlorinated

How do you make toys for hermit crabs?

(This works for MY hermit crab) Put a small spoon of peanut butter on a flat sea shell and they go nuts! they LOVE playing in it.

Can you get a hermit crab to molt somehow?

A hermit crab only molts when it feels it needss to. Make sure you have plenty of soil in your hermit crab home.