

Can you make a potato clock with a cooked potato?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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no it lost all of its energy and acidic content (unless you secretly put a battery in the potato

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Q: Can you make a potato clock with a cooked potato?
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Writing a report on a potato clock?

The graph that can be used to best describe a potato clock is a line graph. It will have the two values: the time the potato is cooked and the water temperature. The points can be plotted and connected to show their relations.

What happens when potato is cooked with milk?

Not in a raw potato, but if you mash them many people add milk to make the mashed potatoes creamy.

How does the energy content of the potato change if cooked in oil?

If the potato is cooked in cooking oil, the energy content of the potato would increase. This is because the oil would provide additional calories and fat to the potato, which would make it more energy-dense. Additionally, the cooking oil would make the potato more moist, tender, and flavorful.

Do you have information about the potato clock?

Potato clock was invented because the potato is found to be a good source of energy for the mechanical device specially- clock.

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How does a potato clock work?

A potato can power a clock because all fruits and vegetables have an electric current in them, so the potato's act like a battery and supply the clock with electricity.

What can potatoes make?

Here are some of the things that are cooked with potato: baked potato mashed potato vichyssoise potato salad potato fries potato chips New potatoes roast potatoes sweet potatoes

Does a potato powered clock work better than a lemon clock?

Yes!! William A. Borst invented the potato clock in 1983.

Can a potato conduct energy to make a clock run?

A potato clock runs on the natural electrolytes given off by a potato the same way a battery lemon , banana , or Gatorade would .

Can vegetables help make electricity?

yes potatos you can make a potato clock. All veg has a charge even lettuce!

What does a potato do when it's cooked in a pot?

it gets cooked and goes soft

Can chickens eat potatoes?

Any cooked potato is fine but never feed rawChickens can not eat raw potato skins. The inside of the potato is fine but the skin must be cooked.