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yeah because its not red... but right turn laws vary from state to state.

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Q: Can you make a right turn on a yellow light?
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When you are under a red light and it turns yellow can make a left turn then?

At least in the USA, a red light does not turn yellow. It turns green. A green light turns yellow, and then the yellow light turns red. IN THAT ORDER.

In pennsylvania can a school bus make a right turn on a red light?

Yes, a school bus can make a right turn on a red light in Pennsylvania.

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If you have arrived at a red light and intended to make a right turn your car is in the right outside lane you should?

Wait for the traffic light to turn green the proceed carefully...

Why does a Wii's light eventually turn yellow instead of red?

If you have a wii charger, yes, it does turn yellow

In the state of Nevada is it illegal to make a right hand turn at a red light?

The only time it is illegal is when it states not to turn on the red light.

In Illinois is it illegal to turn left on yellow?

Nation-wide, it is legal to enter an intersection on yellow. You may be cited if you are making a left turn without properly yielding the right-of-way. You may also be cited if you accellerate to get into the intersection when you have a yellow light.

Make a sentence with the word get?

You can get to Lincoln Place if you turn right at the next light.

What is the subject in Noticing the light turn yellow?

In a sentence, the subject is the word that tells what it is about. In the sentence "watching the light turn yellow" the subject would be the word watching.

Is 'no right turn on red a law that applies to all red lights or just specified posted lights'?

Generally, a red light means "stop," but in many cities, it is permitted to make a right turn on red, with caution, if it is safe to do so (no other cars are coming). But as you have noticed, there are exceptions. If you see a sign that says "no right turn on red," that means that specific red light requires a full stop, and you may not make a right turn until the light changes to green. In other words, if you do not see any signs, you generally are allowed to make a right turn on red. If you do see a sign, you are not allowed to make a right turn on red.

What color is a yellow banana?

They begin as light green, then they turn yellow, then they get all brown.