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Money or Prosperity spells are common. Working in the correct house and phase of the moon, using a strong spell and having the strength of belief will help. As will asking for what you need, and be specific.

If you need to pay off some debt, then let the gods/universe know how much, do your spell, then get off your backside and go looking for a way to earn the money. Bags of money don't just fall out of the sky, and sitting around waiting for the spell to work isn't how to have it happen.

The other thing is rarely do they work in the manner you think they will, so keep your eyes open for things to show up in your life. You might be hoping for a lottery win, when the gods/universe send you a great new job with lots of earning potential.

As for love spells... here is the truth. Love spells don't work on someone else. You can not make someone love you. More importantly you should not try to make some one love you.

The good news is that love spells DO work on yourself. You start by getting your own house in order, that means being sure you are ready for a relationship, knowing the kind of relationship you want. Then you need to be ready to give and receive love, be open to meeting new people and willing to do the "leg work". Sitting at home dreaming about the "perfect mate" will not do you any good.

Like prosperity spells, love spells have a funny way of working out, keep your eyes, your heart and your mind open, remember the gods/universe know what you really need, more often than not, better than you know yourself.

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Q: Can you make a wish come true like a money wish?
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