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Yes, you can make your period start a day later than it's due.

You can get Norethisterone from your doctor which is a progesterone pill so prevents the progesterone drop that triggers the uterine lining shedding, take it three times per day from three days before your period and continue to take the pills until you want your period to start.

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7y ago

Yes, your period can come later than the date it is due.

Unless you use Fertility Awareness Method you cannot know for sure when your period is due, you can only predict when your period is due based on your average menstrual cycle length. Anything up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is considered normal, things such as ill health and stress can delay menstruation too. If you go over three months without a period see your doctor.

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Q: Can you make menstruation period come a day late?
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